- 8.
Chloe came to see me, carrying a handbag
identical to one Ethan had given me. She
placed it prominently on the table, a blatant
display of her supposed victory. She took a
sip of her coffee, looking me up and down.
“Ashley, besides your family’s money, what do
you have that I don’t? You should be grateful
you were with Ethan for as long as you were.”
The mask was finally off. Ethan’s betrayal
hurt, but losing Chloe’s friendship was a
deeper wound. Years ago, when I was bullied
at school, Chloe had been the only one who
stood up for me. She’d pulled me up, dusted
me off, and declared, “I’m your friend now.
Anyone messes with you, they mess with me.”
I’d never had a friend like her before.
I looked at her calmly. “We have nothing to
talk about.”
My composure seemed to irritate her.
“Ashley, you’re leaving Ethan, so just do it
already! Do you know how much he talks
about you, even when he’s with me?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t want to know.”
Chloe scowled. I took a sip of my coffee. “I
just want to know one thing. Did you
deliberately get drunk and call me to pick you
up so I’d catch you and Ethan?”
She didn’t hesitate. “I was sick of pretending.
I’m tired of being the other woman. I deserve
to be his girlfriend, out in the open.”
I raised my coffee cup. “Then I wish you all
the best.” I picked up my bag and walked out,
tossing the handbag Ethan had given me into
the nearest trash can.
As I stepped onto the street, I bumped into
Ethan. He looked relieved to see me. “Chloe
didn’t give you any trouble, did she?”
I glared at him. “Control your girlfriend.”
“She’s not my girlfriend! We’re done.”
I ignored him and kept walking. He grabbed
my arm. “Ash, if I cut Chloe off completely,
can we go back to how things were?”
I pulled away. “Ethan, I don’t love you
“You’re lying! We were together for years!
You can’t just stop loving me. Don’t say
things you don’t mean.”
His confidence was baffling. He grabbed my
arm again. “Ash, I really messed up. I’ve been
doing a lot of thinking, and I realize I can’t
live without you. It’s really over with Chloe.
Let’s start over…”
Before he could finish, someone punched him,
sending him sprawling to the ground. It was
Alex. I’d told him I’d meet him after talking to
Ethan scrambled to his feet, his eyes blazing.
“You again! What is your relationship with
I took Alex’s hand, my answer clear. Ethan
stared at our joined hands, speechless. I
didn’t care. I smiled at Alex, and we walked
At the restaurant, Alex excused himself to the
restroom. He returned with a bouquet of
flowers. He placed them in my arms, a
hopeful look in his eyes. “Ashley, I’m curious
too. What is our relationship?”
The flowers were beautiful. Ethan used to
bring me flowers, but his gestures had
become routine, scheduled deliveries devoid
of genuine affection. I looked at Alex, his eyes
filled with warmth and sincerity. “Alex,” I said,
smiling, “let’s be together.”