When I walked back into the courtroom,
Michelle was shocked as she stared at me
in disbelief.
I just smirked, not bothering to look at
her again.
The livestream reconnected, with viewer
numbers reaching an astounding eighty.
[Was he faking earlier? Why waste time
with someone like him? Just give him the death penalty!]
[Let’s see how he explains away the domestic violence unless we’re all blind!]
Taking a deep breath, I put the
Judgment Helmet back on.
Enduring the same pain twice was
worth it, I thought.
My chest heaved violently at the
memory of how Michelle and Harris had
flushed my remains down the toilet in my
previous life.
Even if I died here today, I was
determined to expose the truth.
The scene shifted as my memories
appeared on the large screen.
“Michelle, how could you? Golden was family! How could you kill him? He was with
us for three years! Three years! Do you any heart at all?”
I had my hand around Michelle’s throat, veins bulging on the back of my hand.
Michelle glared at me intensely.
“It was just a stupid animal. Harris isn’t well and likes dog meat, so what’s wrong. with giving him some nourishment? Besides, Golden had been freeloading off us for so long. Why shouldn’t it give something back?”
I nearly coughed up blood in rage.
Golden was a Golden Retriever that
Michelle and I got when we first started
dating. Michelle loved the idea, but after
bringing him home, I was the one who
trained him, fed him, and took him on walks.
Thankfully, Golden was obedient and
affectionate. Even though I wasn’t much of a
dog person at first, I ended up wholly
attached to him.
One evening after work, I grabbed his
leash for our usual walk, but when I called
out, there was no response. It was strange.
Usually, Golden would come running at just
the sight of the leash.
Something felt off. A metallic smell of-
blood hung in the air. I rushed to the kitchen.
and nearly collapsed at the sight of blood
and Golden’s fur scattered across the floor.
When I checked the security footage, I watched in horror as Michelle called Golden
over. He was wagging his tail at her when she struck him repeatedly with a frying pan. He was still wagging his tail at first until he
Watching the footage made me so sick
I threw up.
When Michelle came home, she acted
like nothing had happened.
“You’re home early today?” she said
Righting back tears, I asked, “Why did
you kill Golden
Texpected at least a hint of remorse
from Michelle, but her response was
chillingly casual.
“Harris was craving dog meat but
couldn’t find a restaurant that serves it.
Golden was pretty plump, so I made a stew
for him.”
I couldn’t process it. Golden, who had
been family, was suddenly served up on
someone else’s dinner plate, and the person
responsible didn’t show an ounce of
I slapped her across the face without
“Golden was family! How could you be
so heartless?”
Michelle stood there stunned from the
slap, then flew into a hysterical rage.
“You actually dared to hit me! All this
over a stupid dog? Fine, I’ll just buy your
another one!”
I laughed bitte
could replace those three years of
memories. Or was Michelle planning to use
own money to buy me a new dog to
make me feel better? I felt dizzy with anger.
and my blood was running cold.
Golden had trusted Michelle until his
dying breath! How could she have brought
herself to do such a thing?