The Sixth year of crushing on Ethan Chapter 5

The Sixth year of crushing on Ethan Chapter 5


Finn looked lost, holding his phone

After a moment, he looked at me awkwardly

Well, if Ethan can’t make it, maybe we can 

do it another time?” 

He wasn’t stupid

Anyone could see that Ethan didn’t want to 

come because of me

The meeting was just an excuse

I nodded. I knew there wouldn’t be another 


After Finn left, my friend sighed

She knew everything. It was her idea for me 

to confess

He’s avoiding you? Because you like him?” 

I said, Yeah.” 

She sighed again. He won’t even give you

chance. If he doesn’t like you back, then why 

was he so nice to you? Something is wrong 

with him.” 

I laughed

That night, I lay in bed, thinking

I realized how I’d met Ethan in the first place

It was a long, lessthanpleasant memory

Ethan was rich, handsome, and popular

I was ordinary, invisible in a crowd

His girlfriend was my roommate, Clara

She wasn’t like me. She was very open about 

what she wanted. She’d told Ethan she liked 

him. He could say no and they could pretend 

they had never met. Or, he could just be with. 

her. None of that you’re great, but let’s be 


That had to have affected Ethan

The restaurant they met at was actually

recommendation from me

When they were together, Ethan treated us to 

a meal

That was the first time I’d met him. He was 

already taken

I watched, not really caring about what was 

going on

Then, they broke up, and Clara moved 


Ethan waited a long time outside her dorm

but she didn’t come. I was the one that 

showed up

After I had finished telling my story, he got in 

his car, and started to head to the airport

I was worried. So, I got a taxi and followed 


He was driving way too fast

By the time I arrived at the hospital, he had 

been in an accident

I followed the ambulance. Waited for him to 

get out of surgery

I called Clara

But she had turned off her phone

She had probably changed her number

That night, I was the only one there

The next day, I contacted his friends and 

family through the school

I never went back to the hospital

Later, he woke up and they told him about 

  1. me

I was outside the dorm, when I saw him. He 

was tall and handsome, and he had his friend 

call me down

I thought something was wrong, and I rushed downstairs. He looked at me, and smiled. It’s 


At that moment, I felt a weird emotion inside

We had met a couple of times before, but he 

never knew who I was

I said, Yeah.” 

Then, I said, Clara” 

His smile disappeared. It’s fine.” 

He was saying he was done with Clara

I didn’t say anything more

After that, he started to find me, bringing me 

into his inner circle

I went from being indifferent to affected

Then, falling for him was the easiest thing in 

the world

He’d only been in one relationship, and that 

was enough for him

Clara came back a couple times to try to 

reconcile, but he wouldn’t even acknowledge 


It was like he wasn’t the one chasing her to 

the airport

Last month, Clara announced her wedding

and he was fine

That’s when I was sure that he was really over 

  1. it

Everyone around me was saying, Ethan is so great to you. He doesn’t have any girls. You’ll be together sooner or later.” 

After hearing it so many times, I believed it

When it came to love, I was either going to 

succeed or it was going to blow up in my 


I was unlucky. It was the latter

The Sixth year of crushing on Ethan

The Sixth year of crushing on Ethan

Status: Ongoing
The Sixth year of crushing on Ethan


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