They left before we finished. When Dad went
to pay, the waiter said, “A lady already took
care of it. She left this note.”
“Trying to act rich? You haven’t changed a
Dad and I laughed. “Well, she’s funded their
lifestyle for years. We can let her buy us
Outside, I did the math. Based on last time,
Uncle was about to lose big.
Four days later, our phones started ringing.
Not Uncle. Debt collectors. He’d listed Dad as
a guarantor. Dad thought he’d forgotten a bill,
until he heard Uncle’s name. He filed a police
That night, Uncle showed up at our door. We
saw him on the security camera, but didn’t
answer. “Miller! Please! Help me! I’m in
trouble! I need money! I’ll pay you back! I
swear! They’ll break my legs if I don’t pay! I’ll
do anything! I’ll be your slave!”
We stayed silent, retreating to our rooms.
Dad made some calls and found out Uncle
had racked up $1 million in gambling debts
and was hiding from loan sharks. $1 million.
The exact amount in my account.
Mom called that afternoon. Same speech as
last time. “I know you have money. Help him.
He’s your unclet Family comes first! Don’t be
selfish like your father.”
I hung up. She could share Uncle’s struggles.
She called for two days straight. Then,
silence. Even her phone went straight to
voicemail. Knowing what happened last time, I
called the police.
They found Mom’s body in Aunt’s old house.
They found Mom’s body in Aunt’s old house.
Two men in lab coats were removing her
heart. Her other organs were gone. Just a
hollow shell remained. Uncle and Aunt, on
lookout, ran when they saw the police. Aunt
tripped, falling onto a broken corn stalk in a
nearby field. She lost the baby.
They were arrested for organ trafficking. Dad
was silent when he heard the news. Finally, he
said, “They got what they deserved.”
Yes, they did.
And this time, I escaped.
The End