I’m guessing their fight was about money, for
her dad’s bottomless pit.
Back in my room, I call the Pl. “Can you hack.
into Mark’s phone, get his transaction
records?” The money to Tiffany has to be
coming from his personal accounts. Company
funds would be too risky.
The Pl says it’s tricky, privacy issues and all.
He can walk me through how to do it myself,
screenshot everything, and cover my tracks.
Problem is, I can’t even get near his phone.
But it can wait. The house comes first.
A week later, I show up at Mark’s office with
a cappuccino and a slice of mousse cake.
Tiffany’s favorites. She’s not fazed, smug as
ever. I plaster on a sweet smile, loud enough
for Mark to hear: “Just thought I’d bring you your favorites.” Ignoring her stunned look, I
He hates me coming here. Thinks I’m an
embarrassment. I wonder why he even
married me if he’s so ashamed.
Maybe he’s pleased I’m being nice to Tiffany.
Maybe he likes having his women get along.
He doesn’t frown. He stands, gestures to the
I sit beside him, fighting nausea. He’s
repulsive to me now. I’m grateful when he’s
not home. I’m afraid I’ll throw up.
“What’s up?”
I hold my breath, forcing a blush. “You
promised the kids three nights a week. They
missed you.” Subtext: I missed you.
He looks pleased. The obedient wife, the
adoring mistress. He’s living the dream.
“I’ll come home tonight.” He actually believes
- me.
I glance at the door. “Don’t worry about it.
Wouldn’t want to upset her. She’s young.
We’re old news. We can wait.”
I’m gagging inside as I say it. He pats my
head. My skin crawls. He thinks I’m softening.
He strokes my hair, pulls me closer.
I can’t pull away too hard. I peck his cheek, jump back, eyes on the door. “Wouldn’t want
your little sweetheart to see.”
His eyes are full of lust. “Spoiled, isn’t she?”
“Honey, my parents want a bigger place. We
could all live together. They only have me, so
it’ll be ours eventually anyway.”
“Don’t ask me. Do what you want.”
I hug him, my chest pressed against his face.
My heart races, thinking of the money. Let
him misinterpret it.
He stiffens. The pig. He’s actually turned on.
I whisper, “This is your office. Don’t let little
Miss Jealousy see. Come home tonight.”
I wiggle out, open the door, smirk at Tiffany.
“Your man’s calling.”
Trash belongs with trash.
I’ve found a penthouse downtown. $1.1
million. Finance won t release the Tunas. Mark
told them to cap it at $500k.
I find out he’s meeting important clients this
morning. I dress up, show up at his office,
barge past Tiffany, breathlessly exclaiming,
“Honey! Your parents fell in love with this
huge place! They want to live with us! And
with the kids getting bigger, we need four
bedrooms, not including guest rooms. This
place is perfect!”
The clients’ eyes widen. “Buying a new place,
Before he can answer, I gush, “Mark is such a
devoted son! He takes care of both sets of
parents! My parents live in this tiny old place,
and he insisted on getting them something in the city!”
The clients are impressed. Mark, trapped,
calls his CFO. “Do what my wife says.”
I kiss him. “Come home early. I’ll make your
Tiffany’s face is green.
He’ll be getting an earful tonight.
Serves him right.