Matteo’s POV
“Nothing useful yet,” he replied. “But they keep mentioning a name. Casey.”
Hearing her name was like gasoline on the fire raging inside me. Of course, it was her. That manipulative, vindictive snake. My jaw clenched so hard it hurt.
“I want her found,” I growled. “Now.”
“We are working on it,” Jeoff assured me. “But boss… you should focus on her right now. Amara needs you.”
“She wouldn’t even be here if I’d been faster,” I snapped, the guilt eating me alive. “This is on me, Jeoff.”
“Matteo, she’s strong. Just stay with her.
We’ll handle the rest.”
I hung up leaving the rest of the work to Jeoff, trusting that he knew what to do, he was my cousin after all, who had been with
me, growing up in this kind of world.
Paulson returned after what felt like an eternity with a carefully neutral look on his face as he approached.
“She’s stable,” he informed me, and the heavy weight in my chest lifted just a fraction. “The wounds were severe, but none were life threatening with immediate attention. She will need time to heal, but she is going to be okay.”
Relief washed over me, but it was short lived as the rage I had been suppressing bubbled to the surface. I curled my fists as I imagined the ways I would torture the people who had touched my wife.
The moment Amara was transferred to a private room, I immediately followed and stayed beside her, and the only sound as I watched her bruised face was the steady beeping of the heart monitor, a signal that she was alive, the only thing bringing me hope to seeing her smile again. But as I looked at her, anger consumed every other
emotion I had. Amara lay on the bed, her face was pale against the stark white sheets. and bandages covered her arms and torso, and an IV drip fed into her hand. As it was relayed by one of the doctors earlier, she had several broken ribs, and bones on her arm, and they suspected that she was deliberately hit by a hard thing, multiple times to cause those broken bones and bruises on her body, it was not just an accident. It was a multiple strikes, intended to hurt her badly.
I sank into the chair beside her bed with
my elbows resting on my knees as I leaned forward. My fingers brushed against hers, carefully and gently not to disturb the
wires or tubes connected to her.
“I’m here, cara mia,” I murmured, reminding her, hoping she could at least hear me, feel me close. “You‘ re safe now.”
Her chest rose and fell with shallow
breaths, and I prayed to whatever god
would listen that she would open her eyes.
Paulson stepped in after a few knocks on
the door.
“I have instructed the staff to keep this under wraps,” he said. “No one outside. this hospital knows she is here.”
“Good,” I said. “I don‘ t want any more surprises.”
“There’s one thing,” Paulson added, hesitating slightly. “The injuries… someone must be holding a huge grudge on her… or to you.”
“I already know who,” I replied coldly. “And when I find her, I’ll do worse to
that b*tch.”
Paulson nodded, and remarked, “So it was another woman.”
“Yeah, and I don’t care whatever she is, I’ll make sure she’d go through me first. before I send her to hell.”