Chapter 36
I hugged lvy goodbye, and entered into the car next to the alpha Daisy.
She smiled when I settled in
“How excited are you to step
pout of the bloodmoon for a while?” She asked.
I had not thought of it yet. I wasn’t exactly sure excited was the word to use. Definitely more curious to see what her pack looked like.
So far I have experienced two different packs One, iny park, and two, Harmon’s pack
The differences between the both were even less than the similarities, at least from my lenses.
I was caged in both packs. Only difference came from the freedom of the night I sometimes had. I would use it to escape into the pack, and help as many people as I could.
It was different in bloodmoon. I couldn’t go anywhere without being watched and sneered at. As it stood. I couldn’t even go anywhere.
The car jerked, dragging me out of my mind. I turned, feeling the alpha’s eyes on me.
“Sarry,” I simpered nervously. “I just escaped into my head for a few seconds”
“That’s okay. You’ve gone through a whole lot. I assume you won’t just be open to chat with the friend of the alpha who has put you through all of that. Did you have a problem with me kissing him?”
I couldn’t hide the fluster that consumed my face, and she saw it. “–”
The sound of her chuckling faded my defence, and I buried my head in embarrassment.
“You don’t need to feel shame, Sonia. You’re his fated mate. It’s a given you would feel awful watching him kiss another woman. But it isn’t your fault. I want to know if there’s a part of you that hates how much you care.”
“All of me, except my wolf. I wish I could separate her feelings from mine. The alpha seems to be doing it just fine,” I said.
It felt good to be able to air out my feelings for once. I wasn’t afraid she was going to report back to Ramon. A part of me knew I could trust her, despite their friendship.
“You think it’s easy for him to do whatever it is he’s doing to you?”
“I don’t think I know. I
I’ve seen him gloat and rever in what he does to me.”
never meet a man with a
“You don’t know Hamon like I do. I hope in the future, that changes. But for now, I’ll let you in on a little secret. You will never n kinder heart than his. Ignore his stoic expression and the pain he tries to cause you, and look at how he treats others around him. He may be stern, but he wouldn’t leave any stone unturned in saving those under his wings. You want to know how I know he cares?”
“About me?” I asked, confused at the direction this was heading.
I was getting comfortable with the idea he just hated me. After the dance, I thought there was hope. Then Lorena came, and he left with her.
When we were in
we were in the alpha Daisy’s room, and he dropped by, I thought he was going to speak to ne. Again, be destroyed that hope by ignoring me.
Coupled with past examples of him just being so mean, and evil to me, I wasn’t exactly sure where this so–called care or concern was coming from.
“You, propte under him in general. I mean if you don’t believe he cares about you because of what you remind him of, you can believe he cares about you because you’re under his wings?”
I grew even more confused, as a crease burrowed my forehead. “I don’t understand”
She laughed. It was short, and simple, but filled with so many hidden depths.
“Tran’t explicitly say it to you, but 11 help you come to your own conclusion yourself. Close your eyes, and listen Listen or perceive.”
I was unsure of what she wanted me to do, but when her face lit up with an encouraging nod, I decided to oblige.
I took in a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I heard the sound of the tires wheezing through grasses, I heard whooshing sounds from the wind of the night, I heard the silent songs of the trees as the car drove past then.
Shapiry 36
All normal sounds. Or maybe my hearing was broken. So I switched senses, and relied on what I could perceive
The alumness of the water that flowed in the distance. It had a smell that made you want to drop to your knees, and eat sand.
There were the Lilies of the valleys. The smell of Lillie’s was heavy, especially in these spots.
There was also each wolf’s distinct smell. Mine I could vaguely perceive, that of the alpha’s which was sweet and stubborn, the one of the driver which was relaxed but careful.
I was about to give up on this assignment when another scent hit me, and my wolf jumped.
“Ramon” My heart whispered, as my eyes shot open, and I whipped my head towards her.
“Shhhh” She placed a finger on her lips, and smiled.
My eyes begged the question, “why?” But I knew she wasn’t in a place to answer.
I relaxed into my seat, but my heart was far from relaxed. It pounded heavily against my chest, and I could feel the onset of a hiccup
Confused. I searched my rioting mind in hopes I would find an explanation for what I had just discovered. It couldn’t be because of what the alpha stated. I had experienced enough to know that was just delusions of grandeur.
There had to be another explanation. Perhaps, mistrust or paranoia. That would explain this development better.
Yes, I chose to believe that it was simply mistrust. Because to do otherwise was to toy with the idea that the alpha Ramon could care about me, and that was why I could feel him following us
That was simply just absurd, and definitely impossible
I was still in the claws of my thoughts, distressed and in shock when I felt a hand grab mine.
As I looked up
I saw the smiling face of Alpha Daisy.
not bad,” she said, and for a brief second there, I believed her.