Heart Pain Alpha Chapter 61

Heart Pain Alpha Chapter 61

Chapter 61 

Alpha Liam?The big mani saul, and jumped back

What are you doing to the girl?He growled at him again, and hurried forward 

Dropping to his knees, he picked up Sonia into his arms, and stood up

Youran’t do that, alpha Liam it was Alpha Ramon’s orders.” 

What exactly weer Ramon’s orders? To kill her! Why?” 

No alpha Liam. He didn’t ask to kill her. Just to scare her” 

Tant explain that. He’s the only one that can 

Well then. Tell Ramon that I took the girl to my room. Let him look for me and explain what madness this is” 

The big 

bing man knew it was fruitless arguing with the alpha. No one had a more stricter sense of morality than he did

He watched him carry the girl who was shivering uncontrollably away. Alpha Ramon was going to be mad when he discovered what had happened

He worried for his head when word eventually got to him

Alpha Liam avoided the paths he was sure to encounter people

He didn’t say a word to the girl who was clearly frightened out of her mind. She would talk when she felt safer

However, he wanted to know what had gotten into Ramon. And that was something he was going to find out as soon as he set eyes on him 

On reaching Alpha Ramon’s quarters, two of the guards stepped to him

un so soon!” 

Good morning alpha Liam. Back from your run so 

No.he simply replied

Alpha Ramon is still having a meeting with the alpha’s. He’s not out yet.” 

“I know,” he said. Do you know this girl?” 

The guards stretched their necks to see her face. They quickly exchanged nervous glances when they saw it was Sonia 

Yes, alpha Liam.” 

Good. She’s going to be in my room. I want the finest maids to attend to her immediately.” 

He didn’t wait to hear a response from them, as he walked past them. 

With a scowl on his face, he walked along the corridors, on his way to his room

The girl was so lightweight in his arms. He could carry her all day and not feel a thing

The maids that passed were stunned when the alpha did not respond to their greetings 

He was usually always wearing a smile, so it was surprising to see him frown so deep

They cleared out of the way as he walked past, sensing danger in the air

Alpha Laam, determined to save the girl, walked into his room, and shut the door behind him with his legs

He went to his bed, and dropped her on it 

There you gohe Enally said, pushing the 

r hair that 

at had covered her face from his view 

His heart skipped a beat when he saw up close what she looked like. She was beautiful beyond words could describe

It made his heart ache some more that someone as gorgeous as she was could go through that kind of body experience. Especially when it was said

Chapter 61 

It was orchestrated by Ramon 

Ramon of all people! He knew him like he knew himself. What could she possibly have done to him for him to step so out of character it made no 

The girl turned her face away from him, and he nodded in understanding 

1e could sense she felt some sort of dread. He couldn’t blame her. Imagine going through that bullshit. None of what he had chanced upon had been funny

He straightened up, and went to his closet. Pulling out a shirt, he returned to the bed

Hey, I told them to call in 

in some maids. Do you want to wear something less wet before they arrive!” 

Sonia didn’t respond. Her mind was too blank to draw up a response. She felt numb to her skull. Her brain felt even more empty

Tunderstand you don’t want to talk. Maybe- 

Aknock sounded on the door, interrupting him 

YesHe called with a raised voice 

hey, and some other maids” 

Sonia turned on hearing Ivy’s voice. She didn’t see Liam roll his eyes

He couldn’t believe that after all these years, Ivy still played the maid gimmick, and Ramon just watched her do it

It wasn’t in his place to talk her out of it, and that was why he never bothered

Come in 

The door opened, and Ivy with other maids walked in 

SoniaShe dashed to the bed, and pulled the girl who had straightened into her body

Are you okay? I’m so sorry. Please don’t be upset the burst into tears as she tried to comfort her

Liam watched the scene with a raised brow. He couldn’t tell what it was yet, but something wasn’t adding up

Do you want to 


want to step out for sometime so we can take care of her, alpha Liam?Ivy asked behind her shoulders

He took one more look at Sonia, before walking out of the room 

He was barely halfway down the corridor when he looked up, feeling a presence

They didn’t lie. You’re around.” Alpha Ramon said, coming closer 

He used the few seconds he had before Ramon would get to him, to gauge his reaction

Came at dawn. They said you were in a meeting. Decided to do other things before you finish.And other things include overriding my command:” 

He knew,he thought in his head. Good, because there was no need to dance around the bush

About that. What has gotten into you! Why would you take an innocent person to the traitors


Alpha Ramon stopped before him. What business of that is yours? Do I tell you how to run your pack 

Alpha Liam took one step forward, so there was no room between them. Why did you send the gut to the trainon postr Because I can?” 

Bullshit, Ramon! It’s her, isn’t it?” 

hotKarnon’s eyes narrowed

3.15 PM 

Chapter 61 

The slut.” 

Lorena? No. But since you’re so curious, I’ll tell you who the girl is.” 

Do tell.” 

Ferins daughter,” he replied in an irritated voice

Heart Pain Alpha

Heart Pain Alpha

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English


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