Chapter 83
The new room Ivy’s body was taken in
intos, was illuminated, and)
just a lot
more full of life than the previous room.
1 mord the salt and water, which served as purification, as they removed the bandage from her body.
When I turned and saw the result, I gasped. There were so many blisters all over her body.
A single tear fell from my eyes, as I hurried over to her
“Please, help me bring her to the sub” I pleaded with the mails who had replaced the guards who helped bring her in
1 specifically asked them to help take off the bandage, because I didn’t want her naked body to be visible to those guards.
Together, we lifted her, and carried her to the tub.
I placed my nose between her nostrils, and felt her extremely hot but faint breath.
She wasn’t unconscious anymore, but also wasn’t really conscious.
I salon
sat on a chair I had placed beside the tub, and soaked the foam sponge into the salt water.
As I brought it to her body, it sizzled, causing her semi conscious body to jerk
The maids flinched, and turned their backs on us
I understood their reaction. She looked horrible now, and the salt water hurt
But I knew with time, she would heal. I could bet my life on that,
I continued, until I had washed every dead skin away.
The door opened, and the pack doctor walked in with the oil maid from the skin of a snake I had asked for.
“Could you help me lift her up again?” I asked the maids.
They helped me transfer her to a dry tub.
“Thank you,” I said, as they moved to empty the other tub filled with water.
Slowly, and very gently. I began to apply the oil on her body.
The second I touched her skin with
Is the o
oil, transcended.
I was still conscious, but it felt like my body had been inhabited by something else.
After rubbing as much of the oil as I could all over her body. I pushed it to the side and leaned into her body.
1 breathed into her nose, and she swiftly sneezed
She sneezed three su
successive times, and grew quiet
I couldn’t help but smile, when her breath began to grow louder.
She was gaining strength, and fast,
*Tve helped her wolf as best as I can,” I said, turning to the pack doctor. “She should be fine in about three days. But you have to continuously apply
the oil”
He looked at me like I was some sort of spectacle. My brow lifted with curiosity, and he shook his head.
“You won’t be available to massage the oil into her skin yourself?” He asked.
“I don’t know what my fate will be. Just in case I’m not able to do it, I know you’ll help me
He smiled. “For a lide thing, you have a lot in you
Chapter 83
He turned around, and walked out of the room before I could ask what he meant by that.
Everytime he said these strange things to me that I didn’t understand.
Aside from my ability to heal there really wasn’t anything
g special to me.
“Thank you so much for helping out I won’t forget you,” I said to the maids,
“No, thanks for helping Ivy out,” Matalia, the girl with gorgeous black hair said. “She’s been like a pillar of support to all the servants in the pack. I don’t know what a lot of us would do without her”
“She’s a big sister. She’s super nice too, the other girl added.
I smiled my heart filled with Joy. Ivy was indeed good, and I was only glad to be a recipient of her kindness, which I could now reciprocate
“I have to turn my
to turn myself in before the alpha finds me. Wish me luck!”
I didn’t think they understood what I was say
was saying, but I just wanted to be wished well
“You’re going to be fine. We’re all rooting for you,” Natalia said.
“Thank you for proving that the gossip about you is wrong,” the other girl added.
I stood, and went to bug them “Thank you both so much.”
Few seconds later, I was out of the door, and on my way to find Alpha Ramon.
He was going to punish me either way, so it was better I surrendered myself to him first.
I had just walked into the hallway, when my wolf leaped
I didn’t need to look up before I knew alpha Ramon was somewhere around.
However, I did look up.
I saw him approach me, and beside him was Lorena with a smug, sinister look on her face.
I halted on my heels, bracing myself for a slap, or even worse, a beating
He came to an abrupt stop before me, breathing heavily.
“Where are you coming from?” He asked.
“hy’s room.” I replied in truth.
I felt his body tense, as a surge of annoyance changed the temperature of the hallway.
“You see? I told you Blane helped her get into Ivy’s room. They’re really walking together to undermine your position. You have to do something about it. Lorena said.
Like a fly hovering on rotten matter,
r, she was always in his cars.
It was sad that a man as smart as Alpha Ramon couldn’t see through her lies and manipulations
“Did I tell you to stay away from her, or not
“You did,” I replied
He took a step forward, and my body began to vibrate.
“So why did you disobey me? Wh
Why can’t you simply be obedient?”
“Leave her alone, Alpha Ramon,” the pack doctor said, as he became visible.
“Who are you to tell the alpha what he can do, or not do?” Lorena smarked.
“Watch your mouth little girl. You may have inserted yourself into Ramon’s lives, but as long as this pack exists, I am your superior, and you will
respect me.”
1 became chilled to my bones. I didn’t know the pack doctor had so much authority in him
6:03 PM
Chapter 83
Lorena turned to Ramon, perhaps, hoping he would come to her defence.
“Why should I leave her alone?” Ramon asked, bringing all of our intentions to him.
“Because she has saved Ivy.”
Alpha Ramon looked at me, at the same time I lifted my gaze. Our eyes locked, and for a few seconds there, I could swear I saw admiration.