Chapter 110
I was on my way back to the house Ramon had instructed me before to stay when the sky suddenly changed.
Looking up, I saw a thick dark mass of clouds,
It was a sign of the full moon, but that wasn’t all. There was just something really off about the entire scenery.
Shaking it off. I continued to the house. As I opened the doors, a presence overwhelmed me.
It was as
was as if someone had been in the house before I arrived.
Instincts kicked, and I began to search all over the house for whoever it may have been.
My search led me from the back of the house to the front.
I didn’t see anyone, but m
my eyes found their way to the cursed
cursed ground.
Strangely, I wasn’t as afraid of it as I had been, previously.
Its sight didn’t cause shivers all over my body.
I even found myself smiling, as if I was communicating with the land.
“You’re losing your mind, Sonia,” 1 shuddered, and ran into the house again..
I made it to my bedroom where I found the outline of the book alpha Daisy left me, under the bed.
Bending. I picked it up, and cradled it on my chest.
I had not gotten the opportunity to settle into the book yet.
I still couldn’t understand how it was from my mother directed to me.
And even if it was from her, how did alpha Daisy get a hold of it?
Curiosity got the better of me, and I dropped to the bed.
I opened the
guest page, and read the part that said, “To my daughter, Sonia, over and over again,
Maybe I was overthinking things. Could it be from another person, and I was just thinking it was from my mother?
I want the only Sonia in the entire world.
on the flip side, the writing felt familiar. Like I had once been a part of it.
My trembling fingers flipped the pages to the first chapter.
I was about to read through it, when the sound of light footsteps distracted me
I quickly closed the book, and brought it to my closet
Pushing it inside, I ran to the living room at the same time the door opened.
“Sonia!” Ivy called with r
raised brow
“It’s you,” I dashed forward and hugged her “For a second there, you scared me.
She laughed. “What are you up to? I thought you were at the clinic?”
“I needed to take a shower, and the bathrooms were in use. I thought to return here quickly, and do just that”
“You’re in luck then. I brought a change of clothes.”
1:04 PM
Chapter 110
We laughed together, as she brought out the bag with her
I stepped out of my room after I was done dressing, and found Ivy setting the table in the living room
“Are we going to eat?” I asked.
here.” She slapped the empty seat beside her.
Come h
I walked over, and sat down, “Smells delicious.”
“Yeah. It tastes even better. I was so tired of eating clinic food,” she confessed.
“But I thought the food came from the alpha’s kitchen?”
“I mean the surroundings make the food depressing to eat. Doesn’t matter how delicious it is. Pain adds no flavour to food.”
“I don’t mind it.” I shrugged. “As long as it’s food. I’m happy to eat anywhere.”
She laughed, and then added more food to my plate
un then.
“Fat up
I did eat up, and even finished every last grain.
I drank some water too, and was filled to
to the brim.
Thank you so much, Ivy!”
“You’re welcome”
I helped with the dishes, and then it was finally time to return to the clinic.
“you really like it there, don’t you?” she asked on our way.
“I do.” I nodded. “I didn’t expect to like it as much as I do. Perhaps, I like it so much because it has shielded me a lot from Ramon’s anger.” “Yeah, he’s warming up to you. Linke e wonder Lorena is spiralling. She can’t take it when his attention is not on her.”
“Still, I can’t blame her. She’s used to having all of his adoration.”
Ivy scoffed. “You give so much grace to that bitch, and I would never understand why.”
“I believe you’re not calling me a bitch, IvyTM
We both turned around to see Lorena behind us. I gasped, and took a
“Lorena” she called, and lowered her head in a how.
a step back.
Lorena cackled mockingly. “You really have some nerve on you, Ivy. You’ve just called me a bitch, and then you try to suck up on me! Who do you think you are to try to manipulate things?” She hissed.
“Shur jat I don’t want to hear any explanations from you. Ramon protecting you through the trauma you went to has gotten into your head. You now think you can rub shoulders with your superiors.
“It’s Alpha Ramon, Lorena, the corrected.
“Ivy!” I bowled in my
my mind, sering t
the exact moment Lorena’s eyes reddened.
She likes to get under her skin a little too much.
or two was certainly going to follow now. I just didn’t know which one of us would be its recipient.
A slap or mo
*Who are you
u to correct in W
met Who the fuck do you think you are!!” 5 e stepped forward, angrily
“That’s enough, Lorena. It’s too early to be this annoyed. Bane suddenly appeared from nowhere 2/3
Dreame–Read Romance
1:04 PM d
Chapter 110
I had seen him earlier, and now he was back.
Everytime Lorena was starting trouble, he always showed up.
Good for him for his instinctive thoughtfulness.
But there was also something else I noticed. Ivy went quiet. She always grew quiet and weird around Blane.
“Are you here again to police my reaction when this good for nothing wench started by calling me a bitch?!” Lorena screamed.
“She did that?” Blane asked.
“Do I look like I’m lying?”
“Is that true, Sonia? Did Ivy call her a bitch?”
“Uhmm, I bit my lips because I wasn’t expecting to be put on the spot that way.
“I did.” Ivy replied, saving me.
“Ha! Hear that? She’s even smug about it!”
“Alright, you must be punished for reckless speech. Come with me,” he said to Ivy.
“That serves you right!” Lorena called after her, laughing maniacally.
I watched them leave, with Ivy trailing behind Blanc.
Something was off, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.