Chapter 171
My back dropped to the ground, and I brought her along with me…
She laid on top of me, and everything felt right in the world again.
My wolf was satisfied. I was satisfied, In fact, I hadn’t felt this satisfied in a while.
1 stroked her hair, and she curled her naked body against me
She was simply irresistible, because I was starting to harden again.
This was why I should have stayed away. She was like a drug. The more you take, the more you crave.
“What are you thinking about?” She asked in her soft, sonorous voice.
It melted my hear. Made me want to bare my soul to her.
However, I knew it was just a dangerous thing to do,
We would both benefit from me acting aloof
1 didn’t want to lose my head, And for the first time, I could admit to myself there was a big possibility of doing thar
“You.” I replied, and she giggled
“Why an
are you being so nice to me? It’s so much harder to hate you,” she sighed.
“As long as you’re here like this, you can hate me all you want.” I replied.
Her mood suddenly stufted, and I instantly sensed it
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I just don’t feel right. You should be with Lorena. Am I mad at the situation? Yes,but honestly, she doesn’t deserve to be alone. Maybe when she’s fine, I can feel comfortable again,” she explained
I understood, because it was also beginning to dawn on me how actually nice she was.
It definitely wasn’t putting up an act. Anyone acting for this long would have slipped up already.
She genuinely was nice, and I appreciate that fas
“Lorena is going to be fine?” I said in a reassuring voice
“Are you luppo?” She asked in a strained voice.
Happy about?”
ble dada i answer immediately. I guess she was gauging
her word
I wanted her to feel comfortable. I had hurt her for so long, perhaps she thought I was going to do it again..
In sincerity, I didirt think I had it in my mind to hurt her one more time.
Having child. You must be ecstatic” she said.
had taken a lot of inner strength from her to be able to ask that question
I tried to put my
mysell in her position, and realized I would have crashed out if my mate was pregnant for another man.
Maylar 1 was my father’s son, anyway. After everything that had unfolded, I still ended up having two women in my life.
“I don’t know how I feel about that yet. It was so sudden, 1 frankly didn’t expect it”
Dreame–Read Romance….
Chapter 171
“But you’ve been sleeping with her. The l
book says not to get surprised about pregnancies when you do it constantly
I laughed because for a moment, I had forgotten how young and naive she actually was
“So do you think you’ll get pregnant!” Lasked:
“We did it only once. Maybe a couple more times, and I’ll be afraid
He pushed the last part of her words aside, and focused on the first
“Is that an invitation?”
She smiled, and although he couldn’t see her face, he felt it from how her body expanded.
“We re lking about you now. You u don’t like the focus to be on you. Perhaps it’s because you love to be in control.”
“Darling, you test my control in every way. I don’t think you’re in the best position to say that.”
Her body shook with laughter, as she wiggled around, and faced me.
“I hated you a lot this morning. Here I am now, awed by you,” she poked my nose, and drew a line with her finger down to my lips. “I wish my wolf was fully able to experience this. It’s what she’s wanted for the longest.”
“Your wolf” I touched the space between her chest, and she sucked in her breath.
is attracted to me.
It wasn’t supposed to be a pleasurable gesture, but I guess I should be flattered because she was just as
“Why do you think she’s not back yet?” I asked curiously.
“She’s afraid. Something happened that night. I just can’t remember what happened to get her so scared. Shouldn’t she be stronger?” She moaned in frustration.
ot from her, but from you.” I said the only way I
“She’s an extension of you, Sonia. Only as strong as you allow her to be. So maybe the fear is not could explain it
“Wow, I didn’t think of it that way. It’s true I was the one something happened to. You see, when I feel overwhelmed by pleasure, she appears Briedy. Same when I feel pain or concern. I think I need to feel these emotions in abundance, and perhaps, she’d return. I just feel so stuck.
I brushed a strand of hair that had covered her face, and kissed her gently
“You’ll get your wolf bark. And I’ll help the best way I can
flipped her over, and kissed my way down to her thighs.
“You’re so beautiful. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I whispered to make her feel good about herself.
It was also true She was the most beautiful woman in the world.
I dived in–beterra her legs with my tongue, and she cried out my name.
wanted. To hear my name co
* name Coine coul
out of her lips, as I pleasured her.
was mout for me. When her hand found my hair, and grabbed it ferociously between her fingers, I was compelled to give her even more
the breathed out loudly
risted my tongue deep inuo her, and she stiffened.
Her juices splattered all over, but I managed to Larp as much
She finally came down from her high, but I didn’t give her the time to fully recover
I thrust into her, and it took a whole lot of all control not to burst all over, the second her moistened depths engulfed me.