My heart skipped a beat, and I gave him a
wary look.
“Carrie’s surgery went well, but she’s still
gotta take medicine for a while, so I
“Don’t even think about it.”
To pay for Carrie’s treatment, the family sold
everything they could.
Except for the gold bracelets. They were my grandma’s, and Mom almost jumped off a building to keep them.
It was the only thing Mom left me besides the old clothes and shoes people had given her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll give them back when Carrie
gets better.”
I stood up, trying to control myself. “How are
you gonna give them back? Mom left those to
me, can you just buy them back?”
“No, no,” he said, waving his hands. “I’ll buy
you better ones.”
“Get out.” I pointed to the door. “Do you have
a heart? What did Mom and I go through for
Carrie? Now she’s dead, and you’re still after
her things. Are you even human?”
His face went cold, but after a few seconds,
he went back to being nice. “I’m sorry I
treated you guys that way, but Carrie’s your
sister, you grew up together. Are you just
gonna let her die?”
“What does it matter to me if she lives or
dies?” I yelled. “She’s better off dead.”
I lost my balance and fell on the floor, my left cheek going numb. My ears rang, and after a long time, the dizziness went away, and my face started to burn.
“Do you even act like a daughter? I was too easy on you, so I thought I could talk to you about it.”
He moved to get past me and go find the
He tore apart my room, but couldn’t find
“Where are they?”
“Sold them.”
“What about the money?”
I smirked. “Spent it all.”
“You…” He raised his hand to hit me again,
but Carrie ran in and hugged him.
“Dad, I still have medicine, don’t hit Jess.‘
I didn’t know if she was being sincere, and I
didn’t care.
Stanley Stone, trembling, pointed a finger at
- me. “Get out.”
I slowly got up, packed my few clothes in a
bag, and grabbed my ID. “You think I want to
live here?”
If Mom wasn’t here, I wouldn’t look at them.
I put on my bag and walked out.
Stanley was yelling behind me. “If you leave
today, don’t even think about coming back!”
“Don’t worry,” I said, walking faster. “I won’t.”