Forget each other in this life Ch 3

Forget each other in this life Ch 3

Everyone went quiet. Danny clapped. Yay!” 

Now I can be your real son.” 

Liam pulled out his phone, and then frowned

Why hasn’t she texted yet?” 


I never left Liam alone in the apartment for 


Liam always said he would be fine, he was

grown man

But I would text every ten minutes, asking if 

he needed anything

Danny ran through the room, and bumped 

into me, holding his nose

You smell like that old lady.” 

Liam sent a look my way, getting up to walk 

towards me

My heart raced. Serena pulled his hand

pouting. Liam, you’re not falling for Liv, are 



Liam squeezed her hand, “Never.” 

You’re the only one for me.” 

Serena glared at me, and I rushed back to the 


There was only one dish left, I just had to get 

out of this house

Everyone was piling food on Serena’s plate

Liam’s father winked

Liam, when are you and Serena going to get 


You and Liv’s sham marriage must be nearly 




Serena blushed, covering her mouth

Dad, stop it!” 

Danny piped up, You should get married

Then we can be a real family!” 

Liam forced a smile, dodging the topic

Next year. No rush.” 

He looked down, and everyone dropped it

Serena glowered at me, and deliberately 

spilled wine down my front

Liam pulled out his phone, grabbing Danny

Danny, call your mom

Tell her you’re home safe.” 

I rushed out of the dining room, and as I did

my phone rang

Liam said You, the server, turn around.” 

Chapter Three 

I fumbled for the mute button, paralyzed

Liam’s footsteps grew louder, and Serena 

pulled him back

Liam, it’s a family dinner. Don’t make


The Grants stared at me, and I wanted to 


Liam let me go, and I ran. Go. You’re not her


She was proud.” 

I left, pulling off the uniform, and clutching 

the twenty dollars the chef shoved into my 


Twenty dollars was a fortune to me, enough 

for Liam’s pain meds

He said his legs hurt every night, so I rubbed 

them, kneading the muscles

Five years, and my hands were calloused

It was Liam who suggested it, who arranged 

for my hands to be injured

I got back to the apartment, and Liam’s 

wheelchair sat in the corner

The cartoon sheets were airing, waiting for 


I emptied the room, and ripped up every 

photograph I had of Liam and Danny

The phone flashed. It was Liam

Liv, I miss you.” 

I laughed, remembering that I had been a fool

Liam, I’m setting you free

The sun rose, and the phone flashed. The 

store I cleaned had been bombed

Liam was on screen, trying to run into the 


Let me go! My wife’s in there!” 

Liam battered the firefighters, screaming

Liv! Come out!” 

The reporters rushed to Liam, and everyone 

thought he was wonderful

I shut the phone off

Liam enjoyed playing the loving husband. It 

had nothing to do with me

When I arrived in my new town, someone 

tapped my arm. It was Clint

Clint was a talented musician, who had 

wanted me to give him lessons


Liv? What are you doing here?” 

Clint was wearing a tailored suit, every inch 

the gentleman

Clint, it’s been a while.” 

Do you still play?” 

Clint smiled, then nodded. I still chase the 


He looked sad, glancing at my hands

It’s a shame about the accident. You could 

have been famous.” 

Memories flashed. The wheels crushing my 

fingers, the betrayal


I would never forget

Forget each other in this life

Forget each other in this life

Status: Ongoing


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