I didn’t see Chad and Tiffany after that.
After the trip, I packed my bags and headed
to the city early.
It’s a big city. I wasn’t worried about running
into them.
But I met Chad again at New Years.
He was alone.
He looked different from the time I saw him
last. The cocky kid was gone. He seemed
more mature.
I just nodded hello, then helped with dinner.
My parents were talking to me, ignoring
I didn’t really care.
After dinner, I was going back to my room,
but Chad stopped me.
He didn’t say anything. He just looked at me,
with something I didn’t understand.
I heard my mom yell and say “I win!”
Chad finally spoke.
“Ashley… how are you?”
I nodded. “Good. Busy. You?”
Chad forced a smile and leaned against the
wall, sounding defeated.
“Not good.”
“Ashley, it’s not good without you.”
“I know I messed up. I made you think the
wrong thing. I was lonely, and when I met
Tiffany, I felt like I found someone who
understood. I paid too much attention to her,
and I forgot about you.”
“I didn’t see it then, but I get it now. I hurt
you. Tiffany was using me.”
“Ashley, it was just chess and you in my life. I
didn’t know any other girls. I didn’t get
Tiffany. She told me she liked me, and I said
“One of the older chess players yelled at me.
Said I was an idiot for losing you and getting
with Tiffany. I asked her what that meant.”