- 8.
In the car, I texted Taylor. “OMG, your brother
is a total smokeshow.”
“I KNOW, RIGHT? I was gonna set you up
with him, but then Mark had to ruin
I thanked her. Cody rolled down the window
and pulled up his Venmo code. “Let me take
you out sometime, as a thank you for your
I fumbled with my phone and quickly added
When I got home, I checked out Cody’s social
media. It was all lawyer stuff. No personal life
at all.
“Guess what, is your brother a top or a
bottom?” I texted Taylor on a whim.
“Huh?” she responded fast.
“You said your brother likes men, what were
you even saying.”
Taylor was acting weird today, just a bunch
of question marks. Had her account been
I called her. She picked up right away.
I could have died right then and there. I wish
my body could exit the solar system.
It was Cody’s voice.
“Hey…um, Cody, hi. Where’s Taylor?” I didn’t
think I’d cower over a phone call.
“I like guys?”
“Top or bottom?”
“Cody, I can explain,” I said, my voice
cracking. How could this happen?
I later found out that Cody’s phone died, and
he borrowed Taylor’s to send a file. And right
before the screen went black, he saw my
I hung up and tried to bury the evidence.
From then on, Cody and I had a weird thing
going. He didn’t ask, I didn’t tell.
Over the next few days, I started getting calls
from Mark’s investors and partners. They
wanted to know why he wasn’t at the office
and what was happening with their deals.
I shut them all down. Then, I sent out a mass
email to everyone at the company.
“I’ve broken up with Mark. He’s moved on to
someone new. I’m no longer working at your
company. Contact Mark for information.”
The email sent the whole company into a
“Wait, what happened? Am I living under a
“What’s going on with Mark? Is he dating
someone else?”
“Does anyone know what happened? It
sounds like Mark screwed up something big.”
“If Pam’s not there, the company might go
under. Time to find a new job.”
The investors were even worse. Mark wasn’t
answering his phone or texts. They were
Did Mark think I’d clean up his mess? Think