- 11.
That night, I put on heels and showed up at
the restaurant Cody picked. I saw him sitting
by the window, typing away with a frown.
I cleared my throat. He looked up, and his
eyes widened for a second.
But tonight, like always, he didn’t say much.
He kept the mood from getting awkward.
When he dropped me off, I felt a little let
down. I texted Taylor.
“Your brother’s hopeless. I wore nothing, and
he didn’t do anything! He’s totally gay.”
“I’m gay?
Cody’s voice was right behind me. He had left
his jacket at the restaurant, and when he
came back, he saw my message to Taylor.
I put my phone away, pretending nothing
happened. “Huh? What?”
He took off his jacket, put it around me, and
pulled me close, his mouth a centimeter from
my ear. The scent of his cologne made me
“I don’t like guys, I like you.”
I struggled, but he held me tighter. I touched
his rock–hard stomach, my face flushed.
“I have been holding back for six years, Pam.
“Six years…?”
He had a crush on me all along!
The best feeling in the world is when you like
someone, and they like you back.
The next morning, I got up, my body aching.
Cody was making breakfast.
Thinking about last night, I blushed.
Then, his phone buzzed. I was going to give it
to him, but I saw a message from one of his
“Did Pam say yes?”
I unlocked his phone and saw what he had
texted the group when he was waiting for me
I unlocked his phone and saw what he had
texted the group when he was waiting for me
at the restaurant.
“I’ve been crushing on this girl for six years,
and she’s going out with me tonight. I know,
My heart melted. Cody was a softie.
He looked back at me, smiling. I ran over and
hugged him tight.
The sun was shining, the wind was blowing,
and I was with someone I loved.