- 15.
I was sitting on the steps, reading, while
Maya planted flowers.
“Why did my flowers die last year?”
I lowered my book and smiled.
“I told you to water them.”
Maya huffed. “Your mother called again.”
I picked up my book.
“Don’t answer. I’m tired.”
Maya pouted and opened her arms. I sighed
and picked her up.
At first, I was self–conscious about my leg.
But Maya told me that my imperfections were
a part of me.
No one is perfect.
And she always treated me like I was a
complete person.
“Emily must be out of her mind. She’s setting
up all these charities, and they’re all in your
Maya’s voice was jealous.
I didn’t care.
“I’m Ethan Miller, I belong to you. Not the
Maya kissed my face.
I tried to think.
“Want to get married?”
Maya’s eyes lit up. She wrapped her arms
around my neck and said,
“You’re sure you want to marry me, not the
other way around?”
I nodded.
Maya jumped out of my arms and ran inside
to get the marriage license.
I smiled as I watched her run. I didn’t turn
around, even though I felt like someone was
watching me.
I nodded.
Maya jumped out of my arms and ran inside
to get the marriage license.
I smiled as I watched her run. I didn’t turn
around, even though I felt like someone was
watching me.
Love that comes too late is worthless.