- 12.
When I walked out, Jake and Darcy were
News spread quickly that Darcy would replace
me in the movie.
Darcy posted, “Thanks to Mr. Jones for
Online people accused me of being a diva.
Someone said that I left the crew so that
Darcy had to save the day.
The most active account was Darcy.
She has always gone against me.
I have never seen Jake drop his principles for
I cut off the internet, and turned off my
My mom came over.
I opened the door, and she slapped me.
“That daughter of a bitch is toying with you. I
birthed a piece of trash.”
I did not say anything.
My mom grabbed my face.
“You get your parts stolen! Your boyfriend
stolen! You deserve this. Your own dad!”
I looked up.
“Mom, stop!”
My mom realized, and did not continue.
She said “Trash,” and left.
I had nightmares all night.