- 3.
Chad was laughing.
“If you hadn’t come back to the office that
night, I never would have thought of such a
perfect solution.”
“Not only do I have someone to take the fall,
but the company’s assets are safe, and I get
your wife.”
“Ethan, Ethan, you’re a godsend.”
Chad’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard.
“I’m making bank selling the company’s
source code and sleeping with your wife.”
“You know how into it Brittany was in my bed
“She even suggested transferring all your
stock to me.”
I was consumed by rage.
I struggled, wanting to rip Chad to shreds.
“Chad, I’m going to expose all of this.”
“Hahaha, Ethan, you’re so naive. I got rid of
all the evidence.”
“Your termination papers were signed by
Brittany herself. Who do you think she’s going
to believe? Me or you?”
Seeing me struggle, Chad stood up and
ground his heel into my face.
“The only downside is, Brittany still has a soft
spot for you. She wouldn’t let me throw you in
“Otherwise, it would be the perfect ending.”
Chad twisted his shoe into my face.
I don’t even remember how much torture I
endured that day.
But the physical pain was nothing compared
to what I felt inside.
Brittany had never trusted me, never even
bothered to listen.
She’d ignored all the warning signs, never
even considered them.
Maybe she never loved me.
I moved out, got all my paperwork together,
and got ready to sue.
But on Valentine’s Day…
Chad posted something on social media.
“Spending Valentine’s Day with the one you
There weren’t any faces in the photo.
But the shadows, the hand holding.
How could I miss it? It was Brittany, my wife.
They were posing all cute. all over each other.
It felt like a knife in my heart.
All the years we were married, Brittany never
wanted to celebrate any holidays with me.
Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Eve, I didn’t
matter how much I begged, she’d always say
the same thing.
“These holidays are meaningless. Don’t ever
bring them up again.”
She never wanted to take pictures with me,
not even a simple selfie. It annoyed her to no
There was no way she’d ever be cuddly and
sweet like in that picture.
She was always so distant, standing over me.
I only dreamed she would lean on my
I always thought it was just her personality.
So, I let her be, let her do what she wanted.
Now I know, she just didn’t love me.
That’s when I gave up and decided to fight
for my name.
I had to prove my innocence. But I knew I
didn’t have enough evidence. The key
witness, Mr. Henderson, was still MIA.
I sent Mr. Henderson a few last texts, then,
clutching the flash drive and my paperwork, I
went to the courthouse.
But when I got there, I was told that since
Brittany and I were married, the court was
worried about potential issues and
recommended mediation.
I was just leaving the courthouse, about to
call Brittany, when she called me.