- 7.
I thought she was going to clear my name.
But Liz wanted me to finish Brittany’s book.
At the cafe, Liz looked me up and down and
smirked at my Chanel.
“Name your price, Vi. I know you need money;
how much to ghostwrite?”
“Brittany’s our cash cow, and we need to
protect her.”
Chapter 2
The silence felt like forever.
“Your profile’s gone, and you’re not famous
anymore; the website helped you out before,
you know.”
Liz pushed her coffee cup away and leaned
“Fifty grand. Enough to get a real designer
outfit and do whatever you want.”
I got a bad feeling from her look.
What did Liz think I was doing in Shanghai?
“Fine,” I said, through gritted teeth.
“Sure, I’ve already got the outline; give me
three days, and I’ll finish it.”
Liz jumped up, excited. “Great! I’ll see you
here in three days!”
I grabbed my purse and walked out.
I got home and started writing, following the
outline I had made in my notebook.
Maybe the break had helped; I felt inspired
and energetic.
Three days later, with bags under my eyes, I
handed it in.
Liz was thrilled, but she still read it over
Once she was happy, she wired me the fifty
grand and had me sign an NDA.
But she didn’t know.
When the chapters went live on the site, the
formatting would be different.
A few lines would spell out a message: