I stood up and slapped Brittany.
Jake pulled her behind him, annoyed.
I didn’t let him finish. I slapped him, too.
He got mad.
I kicked him and said,
“Who do you think you are, hurting my
Ashley looked at me with bright eyes.
Jake: “I’m just trying to help Brittany! Can’t
you see she’s…”
I cut him off. “My only sister is Ashley.”
I looked at Ashley.
“She just got here. I’m gonna protect her.
What gives you the right to treat her like
Brittany yelled, “Sarah! I’m your sister!”
She didn’t get why I suddenly changed.
I laughed. “My sister wouldn’t steal her
sister’s boyfriend.”
Jake turned white.
He’s just a guy who comes from a broken
home. He only got here because of me.
Let’s see if they can make it now.
When we left.
Ashley said, “I’m sorry, I made you upset.”
I stopped. “Do you think it’s your fault?”
She didn’t say anything.
“Even if it wasn’t you, they would have hurt
you. They can see you don’t have the heart to
fight back. That’s why they target you. Don’t
apologize. They’re the problem. They’re born
Ashley and Chloe nodded.
Brittany was raised without facing problems.
She can’t accept being told she’s not a Miller,
so she acted out. It’s not an excuse for
hurting others.
I looked at them and said,
“If you ever get hurt, in real life or online, use
whatever you can to fight back. Make them
pay. If you stay quiet, they’ll keep hurting
Their eyes lit up.
Chloe said, “I don’t know why, but you’re cool
Ashley nodded.
Chloe thought for a second, then looked at
“Girl, you have healthy skin.”
She chuckled and pulled her clothes.
“Is vintage in? Interesting.”
Ashley was dumbfounded. I laughed and said,
“Let’s get you some clothes!”
If you don’t feel good about yourself, change
It’s the quickest way to feel better about
Chloe said, “Yes!”
The three of us went to a spa.
We ran into Jake and Brittany.
Brittany rolled her eyes.
“It’s nice that you’re buying her clothes, but a
trash bag can never be a fancy dress.”
Before I could say anything, Chloe said,
“A trash bag is better than a fake Rolex.”
Ashley: “How dare you!”
She looked at me to save her.
She looked at my face and saw how
disappointed I was.
I was really let down by her.
She started crying and got mad. Jake gave
her a hug, but not when I was there.
They left. Me and Chloe made Ashley over.
New clothes, accessories, salon, hair.
She looked great.
When we got home, it was quiet.
I didn’t care and told Ashley to sleep.
It wasn’t long until I heard noise.
Mom opened my door.
“Sarah, something’s wrong with Brittany
again. She cut her wrists.”
I didn’t care and said,
“She’s a sick person.”
She looked at me, confused, because I used
to love her.
“She’s been here for over a decade…”
I sighed. My mom is soft and hates to see
anyone hurt.
“Mom, Ashley is your daughter. Brittany’s
mom switched them. Your real daughter was
living in poverty because they needed money.
“We didn’t send her back. She’s still here.
Why does she cut herself?”
“And she and Jake bullied Ashley. Now Jake
is her boyfriend.”
Mom said, “Oh no, why would she do that?”
She felt sad for Ashley.