Chapter 0092
That was fine by me. “Deal,” I said.
“Are you ready for this?” Dylan asked.
Logan nodded. Dylan rang the door bell at the Whitaker home. After a moment, they heard footsteps approaching, then the door opened a crack.
An older gentleman peered out from inside. “Can I help you?” He asked.
“Yes, sir. My name is Dylan, and this is my client. You may know him, his name is Logan Hatfield, he is married to your daughter.”
Mr. Whitaker’s face paled. “What do you want? Why are you here?”
“We’re looking for Natalie. We just want to talk,” Dylan said.
Mr. Whitaker hesitated. “Wait here,” he said and shut the door, leaving them on the porch.
“I need Hazel to take a DNA test,” Dylan said. “There’s no way she’s related to these human beings.”
Logan laughed, but the mention of Hazel made his heart sink. He thought back to their kiss, and the discussion after. He didn’t want to forget that it happened, but Hazel was right. Something about it felt wrong. As amazing as it felt to finally take her in his arms and kiss her like that.
He closed his eyes and remembered what it felt like. What she tasted like. Her soft lips on his, pressing gently and sweetly, then matching his passionate intensity on the second kiss. The way her arms wrapped. around his neck. Every part of her was soft and felt so good on his skin.
“Uh, earth to Logan?” Dylan said.
Logan’s eyes flew open. He could feel the tips of his ears growing hot.
“What were you thinking about so hard?” Dylan asked.
“Uh, nothing.” Logan cleared his throat.
“That was a lot of smiling for nothing,” Dylan said, raising an eyebrow.
The front door flew open. Mr. Whitaker peeked out from behind it. “Please, won’t you come in?”
Logan and Dylan stepped into the front entryway. Mr. Whitaker pointed to the living room, “Follow me.”
He led them to the living room and gestured to the two open recliners. Natalie and both of her parents sat on the couch.
“Mr. and Mrs. Whitaker, I assume?” Dylan asked. The parents nodded without a word. “My name is Dylan, I am Logan’s divorce attorney.
“Divorce attorney?” Mrs. Whitaker said, looking at Logan. “But you just got married!”
“How could you do this to our little Mr. Whitaker said.
Natalie sat quietly, her legs crossed at the ankles, her hands primly in her lap. She was looking down at
Chapter 0092
her hands, clearly nervous.
“If you want a list of Natalie’s offenses, I’ll be happy to provide one,” Dylan said. “I think the most recent one will suffice for this conversation, however. My client would rather not stay married to someone who willingly and maliciously put sleeping pills in his wine.”
“What proof do you have? Hmm?” Mr. Whitaker said angrily.
“Besides witnesses to the confession of the deed? A whole lot of doctors and nurses who are willing to take the stand about it,” Dylan–said. “Now, we did not come here to discuss details. We came to ask Natalie to willingly agree to divorce Logan without any retaliation. And in return, Logan will let the drug overdose thing go.”
Natalie finally looked up. “No. You can’t make me divorce him.”
“No?” Dylan said. “Fine. But you can probably kiss your acting career goodbye when it becomes public knowledge that you did in fact drug your husband in order to manipulate him.”
Natalie looked helplessly at her parents. “Do something!” She screamed at them.
“Honey, I don’t think there’s any other way out of this one,” Mrs. Whitaker said gently.
“Daddy?” Natalie looked over at Mr. Whitaker. He just shrugged.
She looked at Logan, then Dylan, who both shook their heads. She dropped her head in defeat.
“Fine,” she said bitterly. “I’ll give you your stupid divorce.”