Chapter 0094
In the craziness that had consumed my life over the past few months, I had completely forgotten that the apartment employee had told me I was married.
I cleared the search bar on my computer. The cursor blinked at me, patiently waiting for me to type what I wanted to know, but where did I even start? I had zero memory of getting married. I felt like that would be something I would remember happening. But if I somehow were magically married, who would it even be to? How do you file for divorce if you don’t know who you’re divorcing?
Was it possible this was some sort of clerical error? Did they mix me and another Hazel Whitaker up?
I pulled out my phone and opened my messages with Dylan. He was a divorce lawyer, maybe he could help me.
My thumbs hesitated over the phone’s keyboard. After this past weekend, I was wondering if it might be best to back away from Dylan and Logan as much as possible. Asking him for divorce advice or help might be crossing that line I had just set up. I backed out of our messages and clicked on Maria’s instead.
“So apparently I’m married,” I sent her. I couldn’t wait to see her response to that.
???” came first, followed by, “You kissed one boy two times and now you’re married??”
“Actually, I was married before that even happened,” I sent back.
My phone began to ring. It was Maria, “Hey,” I answered.
“You drop a bombshell like that and all you can say is ‘hey‘?” She said. “What the hell do you mean you’re married?”
“Remember those singles apartments you recommended to me?” I said.
“Well I applied, but then they called me to tell me I was denied because they found records showing I’m married,” I explained.
Maria was quiet for a moment. “Well you did go to Vegas before that. Any chance you and your ex got drunk married at one of the chapels?”
“Maria, I think I would remember if I got married in Vegas,” I rolled my eyes. “Besides, it’s more likely that he would’ve married Nat, not me. I think it’s just some sort of mix up. Like maybe there’s another Hazel Whitaker out there somewhere who got married and they’re getting us confused.”
“I mean, that seems like the only logical explanation,” she said. “Why don’t you ask Dylan to help you? He is a lawyer, right?”
“Uh…yeah, he is…”
“Uh oh. Did something happen there that you haven’t told me?” Maria asked.
“No, nothing like that. I just….thought I should maybe start distancing myself from both him and Logan,” I shrugged, then reminded myself she couldn’t see me.
“You are so close to snagging one of them,” Maria sald with a groan. “Look, if you don’t want them, send‘
Chapter 0004
em my way. I barely have a man and I’m tired of it.”
“It’s not that I don’t want them…it’s that, it’s affecting my job, and I really need to keep this job,” I explained.
“Blah blah blah,” she said. “I think you just don’t want to make a choice so you’re removing yourself from the equation entirely.”
“That’s not…”
“No? Then explain to me exactly how backing away from Dylan, who is not even part of the company we work for, is going to save your job? I understand doing that with Logan, but come on. That’s a flimsy excuse at best and you know it,” Maria said.
I let out a huff. I suddenly did not want to be part of this conversation anymore. “Goodnight Maria.”
“Okay, fine, hang up and ignore your issues like you always do when it comes to men.”
“I will,” I said, hanging up. I wasn’t sure why I was so angry at Maria all of a sudden, but she had definitely struck a nerve.
I touched the mouse pad to wake up my computer. I opened the search engine and typed:
divorce lawyers near me
The next morning I had to drag myself into the office. I had stayed up way too late trying to find a way to get the records straightened out regarding my supposed marriage, but I couldn’t find anything. I did learn that there are an alarming amount of country songs that are about women waking up married and not knowing their last names. But that info wasn’t going to help me get into the singles apartments.
I yawned as I sat at my desk and booted up the computer. Logan walked up just moments later. “Hazel, good morning,” he said.
“Good morning, sir,” I said,
Ever since we decided to act like the kiss never happened, thad been taking my professionalism to the extreme. An outsider would probably guess that I didn’t really like him much. I kept our convos brief, and stuck to either small talk or greetings or business–related matters. I tried to not even smile at him. anymore. If I was going to try and forget that kiss, I had to be as cold as possible with him for awhile.
“Can you come into my office when you have a moment? I have a couple questions for you,” he said. “Yes, sir,” I said. “I’m free now.”
I followed him into his office and immediately wished he hadn’t asked me. That almost–kiss had happened in here just days before, the memory of it slapped me in the face. I had a strong urge to either kiss him again or run as far away from this place as I could. My tingling lips indicated I wanted the former.
“As you can imagine, I am very far behind on my work, thanks to everything that happened with your sister over the past few weeks,” he said, looking very tired himself. “We may need to work some overtime to catch up. Are you free tonight for that?”
“I am.” Thank god. The more I could stay away from my parents and sister the better.
Chapter 0094
“Let’s take our work to my house. I could use a change of view, and I imagine you could too. Is that okay with you?” Logan asked.
Even though I was trying to keep Logan at a distance, he was not reciprocating. We had certainly developed something more like a friendship recently, and he had acted more relaxed around me ever since. I wasn’t sure going to his house would help me keep my distance from him.
But it sure beat being at home. I decided the good outweighed the not–so–good here.
“Sure, no problem sir,” I said.
“Haze, you don’t have to call me sir,” he said, looking confused.
“As you wish,” I said.
He narrowed his eyebrows at me, looking even more confused. “Uh, that is all I had to ask. Thank you.”
I gave a small nod and walked back to my desk. I sat down and sighed. If my urge to kiss him again had
been so strong here in the office, where we were surrounded by witnesses, I could only imagine how hard being alone with him in his house was going to be.