Chapter 0131
Logan glanced out of his office window as Sabrina droned on about…he wasn’t even sure, he’d stopped listening about ten minutes in.
He hated how sad Hazel looked, slumped over her keyboard. Sabrina was just the first person the temp agency had recommended. He felt he had to find someone quickly to help the two of them actually keep their distance. If Sabrina was going to be this nonstop verbose, however, he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to put up with her.
He wanted to reach out to Hazel, let her know how sorry he felt about this solution, to let her know she hadn’t done anything wrong, but that might just make things harder on the both of them. No, he had to make a cold, hard cut of what their relationship had become.
“Sabrina,” he said suddenly, interrupting her,
ly as pos
“Let’s ask Hazel to find a desk for you. Um, outside of my office. As please,” he
smiled at her.
“Yes, sir,” she said and left the office.
He watched her talk to Hazel, then Hazel, looking defeated, stood and slumped away towards the supply
closet. Sabrina bounded back into his office.
“She is on it,” she happily reported.
“Great. Could you uh…get me a coffee, please? You remember where the pantry is, right?” He asked.
“Oh, but I thought that was Hazel’s job?” She cocked her head to the side.
“It is the job of whoever I ask,” he explained firmly, starting to second guess his decision to hire her.
Her face fell. “Yes, sir,” she said, her demeanor suddenly agitated. She turned to the door.
“Sabrina?” Logan called after her.
She turned, looking hopeful.
“I take my coffee black, thank you.”
I shuffled down the hall, not eager to return to Sabrina or Logan anytime soon. I thought maybe I could get away with hiding in the supply closet for a few minutes. I stepped inside, looked around the hall to make sure no one was watching, and shut the door behind me. I leaned against one of the shelves and let out a sigh.
The door handle jiggled a few minutes later. I jumped and turned to face the shelf and busied myself with a stack of yellow notepads. When the door opened, I turned. I breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh my god, Maria,” I said. “Can you believe that woman Logan brought in?”
She stepped through the door and closed it behind her “Do you mean Elena 2.0?” She said. “What is the deal with that?”
Chapter 0131
I shrugged. “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”
“Me neither,” Maria said. “She better hope she never meets me in a dark alley after the way she spoke to both of us today.”
The door knob jiggled again, and we both jumped and grabbed whatever office supplies were closest to us. It swung open and an intern named Chip walked through the door. He jumped when he saw us.
We side–eyed him the whole time he was in there. He kept nervously glancing over at us as he picked up a couple reams of paper from one of the bottom shelves. Then he scurried to the door and shut it behind
The door opened again immediately.
“Dammit Chip!” Maria said, jumping again.
But it wasn’t Chip. Sabrina threw open the door and crossed her arms.
“Oh, I knew the two of you were going to be trouble,” she narrowed her eyes at us.
“Because we’re grabbing office supplies?” Maria said snarkily.
Sabrina scoffed. “I’m sure Logan would be very interested to know why Hazel has been gone so long and
still has not found a desk for me
She turned on her heels and stormed off down the hall.
“Is she…tattling on you?” Maria looked at me, stunned,
My heart dropped. “I think so.”
Today’s Bonus Offer