The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 133

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage Chapter 133

Chapter 0133 

+25 BONUS 

Finally, the day from hell was over and I was finally able to leave for a different form of hell at home. I started getting ready to leave when I heard Sabrina’s voice

Um, Hazel? What do you think you’re doing?She called from her desk

I briefly considered pretending I had not heard her. It is the end of my shift and I am getting ready to go home, as one generally does at the end of their work shifts,I said, wondering what she could possibly bitch about now

But Logan isn’t going home yet, a good secretary waits for her boss to dismiss her,she said. You have two of those now, and neither one of us has said you can leave yet.” 

I looked helplessly over at Maria, who I had planned on leaving with to grab dinner. She saw me looking at her, then pulled out her phone. Mine buzzed after she did some typing, but I didn’t dare answer it 

I plopped back down in my chair and restarted my computer. Guess I would be killing time by playing solitaire or something until Her Royal Pain in the Ass deemed me worthy of going home

I opened the texting app on my computer. Maria had just sent question marks. I typed back I can’t leave yetwith an eyerolling emoji

What the fuck, why not?She wrote back

I’ll explain later,I sent then closed the app. I didn’t want Sabrina catching me on it and giving me even more hell

I looked into Logan’s office. He looked up then looked at his watch. He looked up at me again and gave me a confused look, but then quickly went back to what he was doing. I inwardly groaned. I didn’t dare barge in there again, he would just send me to Sabrina so she could deal with me

Hazel, be a dear and fetch Logan and I some coffee, would you? I have a feeling we’ll be here late,she flashed me a coy smile. I wanted to rip her eyeballs out

Yes, ma’am,I said. You said you like yours with cream and extra sugar, right?I started walking away

No cream or sugar!I heard her yell after me

I caught Elena’s eye unfortunately as I walked to the pantry. She gave me a smirk. I gave her the middlet finger disguised as me scratching my nose

When I returned with two black coffees, Sabrina was standing next to my desk, her arms crossed. Had I taken too long? I handed her one of the cups

Here’s your coffee, extra cream and sugar as requested,I said, holding the cup in front of me

She ignored me and kept her arms crossed in front of her. Elena tells me you flipped her off?She said. tapping one of her feet

What? I would never” 

She rapped on Logan’s door. He looked up, annoyed, then came to the door

Yes?He asked, avoiding looking at me

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 0133 

Elena has informed me that Hazel flipped her off on her way to the pantry just now,Sabrina said

Logan suppressed a laugh. Is that true Hazel?He asked

Maybe she confused me scratching my nose for flipping her off?I suggested innocently

Logan knew better. He had a hint of a smile on the corners of his lips. He looked at Sabrina, who was glaring at him. He gave a little cough and frowned

Uhokay. Do we need to place a ban from interacting at all with the two of you?” 

Wouldn’t hurt my feelings any,I muttered

Logan, I am concerned,Sabrina said. This level of disrespect from your subordinate is a disgrace.” 

Wait,Logan said, ignoring Sabrina. Why are you even still here? Go home.” 

Well! That sounds like a dismissal to me,I looked at Sabrina. Guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” 

She narrowed her eyebrows at me, watching me as I gathered my things. I could feel her eyes burning into me the entire way to the elevator

While I waited for the elevator, I pulled out my phone to text Maria

Finally free!” 

Logan turned to Sabrina after Hazel left. Listen, you seem to be doing a good job, but you can ease up on Hazel. She’s a good secretary.” 

Is she t though, sir?Sabrina said. Excuse me if I’m speaking out of place, but she has a terrible attitude. She is lazy, she takes frequent breaks, she spends far too much time with her friend Maria. Honestly sir, I can’t believe you’ve let her get away with it for so long 

Sabrina’s bluntness took Logan by surprise. He’d not been paying much attention to Hazel’s work lately to be honest. He started to doubt what he’d thought about Hazel. Was Sabrina right? Had Logan allowed his feelings for Hazel cloud his judgment of her? It was certainly possible

Maybe she just needs time to get used to the new hierarchy here,Logan said. I did kind of blindside her 

with it.” 

If she were truly a professional, that wouldn’t shake her. It’s not just how she treats me, Elena has told me stories as well. I don’t want to spread rumors, but..she says Hazel was involved with a man named Peter and they planned on bringing you down?” 

That wasn’t true,Logan said, a tiny shred of doubt coming to light again. How well did he know Hazel, honestly? He had certainly let his feelings for her make him act in ways he wouldn’t have otherwise. What else were his feelings hiding from him about her

I’m just saying, sir. The secretary of the CEO should be much better than this.” 

Logan looked at Sabrina, studying her eyes. He only knew Sabrina for one day, but her observations were planting all kinds of doubt in him. Maybe this was his fault, for getting so close to Hazel. She had started out as a model secretary: loyal, dependable, hardworking, held her tongue. That Hazel would never have flipped off a coworker, no matter how much that coworker taunted her. Maybe he could stand to be a better boss

+25 BONUS 

Chapter 01:33 

Okay,he said. Stay on her. Maybe we can get her back to the secretary she was when she first started working for me.He started to turn away then turned back. But, be gentle on her. She is a good worker, she’s just been through a lot the past several weeks.” 

Sabrina’s face fell a little bit. She’d kind of hoped that Logan would give Hazel the boot so she could have the job and the CEO all to herself. But maybe she could still have her wish

Yes, sir,” 

Logan disappeared back into his office. As soon as he shut the door, Sabrina walked back around her chair. She looked to make sure Logan wasn’t watching, then pulled her cell from her purse

She opened a blank text message: Hey girl! I know we just met, but I feel like we’re kindred spirits. How do you feel about getting that Hazel chick fired?” 

Elena laughed at the message. OH. EM. GEE. Yes, sign me up! Let me know how I can help. ;)” 

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage

Status: Ongoing Native Language: English
The Divorced Heiress Is Entering a New Marriage


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