Chapter 0153
Maria’s reply was quick.
‘Wear gloves. Watch for needles.”
Sound advice.
Her texts continued.
‘What happened? You would have never lost something like that.”
As I waited for the elevator, I glanced back up the hallway, the way I had come.
‘Never turn your back on Sabrina.‘ I texted.
Logan wasn’t hiding from Hazel, thank you very much. He had a lot of work to do today and what better place was there to do so than in his own office?
He hadn’t recovered yet from his realization at the restaurant, that it was his own foolish self–sabotaging perfectly fine dates Hazel had arranged. His need to blame her had come from his own feelings.
After all, it was her fault the dates went bad. Though, not in any way that she could control.
Maybe Logan should have pulled her off of this assignment for both of their sakes. But who
who would he set to arrange his dates instead? Sabrina?
He cringed at the thought.
Sabrina was an adequate–enough secretary, he supposed, but she was a dime a dozen. Hiring her had been a short–sighted decision. Logan had wanted a barrier between himself and Hazel, to help stretch their emotional distance from one another.
Perhaps in doing so, he had made a monster of Sabrina. He wasn’t immune to the way she strutted around like she owned the place. Or the way she cast snide remarks at Hazel like they were going out of fashion.
Today, as Logan glanced at Hazel through the window, he noticed that she seemed very stressed today. Sabrina wasn’t helping supposedly. She said something that made Hazel pale a little.
Logan should stay out of it. This strange hierarchy was theirs to figure out.
But he didn’t like the way Hazel stormed down the hallway, or the way Sabrina laughed once she was
It was that lingering, screech–like laughter that had Logan rising from his chair. He went to the door and opened it. Sabrina stifled her laughter at once.
“Mr. Hatfield?” she asked, twisting her face into one of professional coolness. But I had seen the cold way she had been looking before. The professionalism was the façade, hiding a devil underneath.
Had she been bullying Hazel from the start?
Easy, Logan reminded himself. It wouldn’t do to jump to conclusions. He couldn’t let his attraction to Hazel ruin his professional life like it was messing up his personal one.
|_ Chapter 0153
“Where was Hazel going?” Logan asked Sabrina in an effort to give her a chance. Maybe he was reading this situation all wrong. He had to be sure of Sabrina’s motives here.
“She didn’t clear her leaving with me, Sir. I was just about to tell you. She just stormed straight out of here.” Sabrina’s smile widened slightly, adding her canine teeth. “Would you like me to write her up?”
“No. That will not be necessary.”
Logan glanced at Hazel’s desk. It was chaotic, with papers and pens strewn about. Even her computer keyboard was askew.
She was typically very tidy at work. Logan hated the small nervousness clawing up inside of him.
“If I may speak candidly, Sir,” Sabrina said,
Logan wanted her advice as much as he wanted to run his face over a cactus, but he had a nagging suspicion she might reveal her true nature if he let her,
So he curtly nodded.
“It’s not with any personal grudge that I say this,” Sabrina said. “But Hazel truly has not been committing herself to this job.
She made so many careless errors that I sometimes wonder if they weren’t errors at all. In fact, I think she might be trying to sabotage you
“What makes you think that?” Logan asked.
Sabrina opened her desk drawer and pulled out the datebook that I had personally trusted to Hazel.
“Why, last Friday, I caught her trying to throw this away, I had to pull it from her trash can myself. It’s yours, Sir. Isn’t it?”