Chapter 0168
He was in for a hell of a night. The things these men put up with for my sister was ridiculous, all because she was conventionally attractive.
We waited until two car–doors slammed closed and the sound of an engine disappeared into the night. Then Rachel and Megan got up from the table and we all headed for the door.
“Well… that was enlightening.” Maria joked.
“She’s a bitch,” Rachel said. “You guys should have given me enough time to tell her so.”
I patted Rachel on the back. “She’s not worth the aggravation, trust me.” Though truthfully, I was proud and pleased that Rachel was willing to stand up for me. It meant a lot.
“Let’s get out of here,” Megan said. “This place gives me with willies.”
I couldn’t argue with her. This
place was no home for me, despite my years having lived there. If anything, it only harbored dark memories and unpleasant feelings of self–loathing. I had been made to hate myself within these walls. Something I was still fighting to get over..
As soon as we were outside, I could breathe again.
Though I didn’t fully feel safe until we had returned to my friends‘ apartment. I sat on the couch between Megan and Rachel, with Maria leaning over the back of the couch.
I gave the photo to Rachel and she held it up. Then, I took the ring from my pocket and moved it by the photo to compare.
Four simultaneous gasps sounded.
We could all see it then, plain as day. The ring was a match.
“Oh my God,” I gasped, not sure what to do with this information. I could barely process right now.
“Hazel…” Megan whispered.
“You’re married,” Rachel added.
“To Logan!” Maria finished with a high–pitched squee.
My heart tangled all up in knots. It seemed too good to be true, but I had to believe my eyes this time, didn’t I? This ring in my hands, the one I had been wearing from my one–night stand in Vegas, was identical to the ring Logan had given his wife.
The dates were the same.
I looked like the girl in the picture.
couldn’t pretend anymore that this wasn’t happening. It most decidedly was.
I was Logan’s mystery wife.
But what was I supposed to do with that information? Logan clearly didn’t know. How would he react? Would this news be welcome? Or would it ruin everything.
I checked my phone. It was 1
late to call him, nearly midnight by now. Besides, this didn’t seem like the kind of conversation to have over the phone. We had to be in person for this.
But how could I interrupt his work day? Maybe I should wait until the weekend. Ask him to go on a date and reveal everything slowly.
Yes, that would be a good plan.
The next day at work, I tried to act normal, but I felt like I was buzzing out of my skin every time I glanced at Logan.
At one point, while I was in his office and he was reviewing tasks for the him.
aviary nearly told “outright. But… no. I held myself back, struck with sudden self–doubt.
Maybe I had gotten it all wrong. Maybe the ring wasn’t a match.
I returned to my chair and slipped out the photo and the ring from my pocket. I’d already done this a few times that moming, just to make sure I hadn’t imagined it.
“Oh, Hazel. One more… thing…” Logan’s voice sounded behind me. He was suddenly standing behind my shoulder.
I slowly, swiveled on my chair to face him. I was holding the photo and the ring. It was too late to hide them, he’d already seen.
He looked at me with wide eyes.