Chapter 0189
After washing the stain from my shirt, I held it under the hand dryer until the fabric had dried enough to longer be translucent. Then I redressed and made my way from the locker room. The other girls were still talking, but they were background noise to me now.
If I wanted to know more about this party and what Logan thought of it, I needed to go straight to the source, not depend on office gossip.
So I entered the elevator again and rode it to the top floor. Logan’s office door was open, so, after dropping my purse and my lunch off at my desk, I walked right in.
*Logan sat behind the desk, looking at his computer screen. His attention shifted as I came into his office, first to my face, then down to my still damp shirt. Quickly, he darted his gaze back to his monitor.
Looking down, I noticed that my lacey pink bra was still semi–visible through my shirt. Heat flushed into my cheeks in a flash. I crossed my arms to hide it.
“Do you have a cardigan or something?” Logan asked.
“I didn’t need it this morning…”
Sighing, Logan stood from his desk. Coming around his desk, He shucked off his suit jacket and then dropped it over my shoulders. I gripped the lapels and tugged it closer.
“Thanks,” I said.
“Other people shouldn’t get to see you like that,” Logan replied, voice lower than usual. Then, he cleared his throat. “Should we go over today’s schedule?”
I gathered my courage. “Actually, there’s something I was hoping to talk to you about first.”
Logan inched back toward his desk and leaned against it. With a curious expression, he motioned for me to continue.
“I heard about a high society party coming up and
Immediately, Logan stood again, no longer leaning on the desk. His arms crossed and his gaze dropped, looking guilty as all hell.
“You didn’t tell me,” I said.
“I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, since we can’t go together,” Logan said. “I have to go alone.”
“This isn’t the first time you’ve had to go by yourself to an event, but even then you usually tell me about them. I help you plan…” A hurt grew inside of me that I tried to ignore. “What makes this one different than those?
“You weren’t my wife then,” Logan said. “Or, we didn’t know that you were. Things feel different now. I can’t ask you to help me plan a night out alone, when you should have every right to stand by my side.”
“I may be your wife,” I said, “But I am also your assistant. It’s not just my job to help you with these things, it’s what I want to do. You have to let me help you, Logan.”
He glowered slightly, seemingly displeased with this situation. I was too. I would have much rather been
Chapter 0184
invited to this event as his wife. But this was the hand we’d been given. We had to make the best of it.
1 suppose you could join me,” Logan said. “But it would have to be as the part of my assistant, not my date or my wife. Would you be okay with that?”
“Our relationship is already a secret,” I said. “What’s one more game to play?” Truthfully, I would do anything to be able to be with Logan, even if I have to stand slightly behind him and out of sight.
Logan looked at me for a long while, searchingly, as if trying to gauge my level of honesty. With a sigh, he found his answer,
“Very well. But you will need a new dress and your hair and makeup will need to be styled the night of. Make the appointments.”
“Very good, Sir,” I said, flashing him a mischievous look, complete with a smirk.
A bit of heat filled his eyes. There was something I wanted to explore at a later time and place. Now was not the appropriate time and place, however, especially with the door open.
Anyone could walk on through
“Good morning, you two,” Dawn said as she sauntered into Logan’s office like she owned the place. Her eagle eye swooped over the pair of us, Logan and I, and snagged on Logan’s jacket on my shoulders, as well as the state of my top underneath. “I see we need to have a discussion about dress code, Hazel.” Logan straightened. The heat in his eyes frosted over. “Something I can help you with, Dawn?” “Surely you didn’t forget our conversation from yesterday.” Dawn smiled at me. “Hazel is my assistant today.”
I hadn’t forgotten. On the contrary, I’d been dreading this moment for every second leading up to it. Even now, I was hoping Logan would swoop in and save me somehow.
“I haven’t forgotten, of course,” Logan said. He looked at me. “Hazel, you are to assist Dawn for today,” “And for the foreseeable future,” Dawn added. “The agreement, I believe, is she’s to help me until the bulk of the employees have accepted the new rules. Who knows how long that will take?”
Logan narrowed his eyes.
I was starting to feel like a toy being tugged between two children on the playground. Except, in this case, there was one person I distinctly wanted to win.
Logan’s hatred for Dawn was growing not just by the day, but by the minute: Hazel was Logan’s assistant, his best secretary. Yes, he wanted her around, but she was also the most competent person on staff. Dawn stealing her for God knew how long was going to be one hell of a pain in the ass.
“As Hazel is just your assistant, you won’t miss her for a time, will you, Logan?” Dawn asked.
The way she worded that… The vicious little smile on her lips….
Logan’s blood chilled.
Dawn knew something. She had to, to look that smug and be this confident, talking to the CEO.
“I’ll make sure she gives your jacket back,” Dawn said.
Chapter 0189
Hazel blushed a little. She dipped her head to hide it, but I wasn’t the only one who noticed.
“As boss and secretary, you two are under advanced scrutiny,” Dawn continued. “You both really should be more careful. Someone might get the wrong idea about the nature of your… relationship.”
“Our relationship is strictly professional,” Logan snapped.
Dawn’s smile only grew. “Oh. I’m so relieved to hear that…”
She had to know something. She might even have proof.
Glancing at Hazel, Logan wanted to make sure she wasn’t panicking. She seemed alright, albeit a touch… sad. Was it something he said?
Was it because he called them strictly professional? She had to know that was just a front to protect them from Dawn.
“Perhaps you and I should speak later, Logan,” Dawn said. “There’s something I think you should see.” 100% she had proof. But how? From where?
Logan curled his hands into fists. Whatever. It didn’t matter what it was, Logan would handle it, and he’d do so without Hazel being any the wiser.
“Very well,” Logan said.
Now, Hazel looked worried. She didn’t need to be. Logan would protect her, no matter the cost.
“I look forward to it,” Dawn said with a grin.