Chapter 0227
I didn’t know if that made things better or worse. Ignorance was bliss, truly. But maybe it would be worse not knowing, as then my imagination would run wild.
Logan lifted his hands to cup my face. Then he kissed me deeply, temporarily stealing my breath and my thoughts. When he stopped, however, everything came flooding right back.
“You are my wife,” he said again, but it still didn’t make me feel any better.
Later, after we parted ways, I sat in the bar with Rachel, Maria, and Megan. We’d already finished one bottle of wine, and was waiting on a second.
Logan’s date wasn’t set until 8. It was only 7:30 now. I’d left him early, unable to sit around and wait for the worst night of my life to begin. I’d rather be drunk for it. Or, at least, be buzzed. I was trying not to get super drunk anymore, since some of my earlier antics got me into so much trouble.
Buzzed, I could handle some of my overwhelming feelings without totally losing myself.
I’d hoped to find support in my friend circle, but they were all varying levels of outraged. Even though I’d shared what was happening several days ago, they were still as furious now on my behalf as they had been when I first told them.
“You know which restaurant he’s at,” Rachel said. “We should just show up.”
“No,” I said firmly, waving my glass back and forth in emphasis. “We’d ruin everything. I’m not suffering like this just for it to all go to waste.”
“Yeah, okay, sure,” Megan said. “But you have to be worried…”
“I trust Logan,” I said, frowning.
“Trust him, fine,” Megan continued. “But what about her? Do we know anything about her? What if she expects him to spend the night after a first date?”
“Megan,” Maria hissed. “That isn’t helping.”
“We’re all thinking it!” Megan said, swaying on her seat She arrived first and drank most of that first bottle. “Those rich girls always just take what they want.”
As loathe as I was to allow such thoughts to enter my brain, they sneaked their way in all the same.
I did trust Logan, but I knew Megan was right. Women of high society could have anything they wanted, whenever they wanted.
What if that expectation also applied to their dates?
What did I really know about Tina St. Louis? Other than what was printed about her family, nothing.
“Maybe…” Maria started, then paused. She was watching me closely. I nodded for her to continue. “I meant …would it hurt for you and me to just happen to walk by? We don’t have to go into the restaurant. We’re just looking…”
Megan clapped her hands together. “That’s what I’m talking about.”
“If he’s as trustworthy as you believe, then he shouldn’t have anything to hide,” Rachel says.
Chapter 0327
“That’s a terrible idea,” I said. “The worst idea I have ever heard,”
Twenty minutes, Maria and I stood on the sidewalk across the street from the restaurant where Logan and Tina had their reservation. Maria and I were attempting to be inconspicuous, pretending to window shop at the candle store across the street.
I wasn’t sure how well we were pulling off nonchalance. I doubted most people stared at the same window display for ten minutes.
“Oh, there’s his car,” Maria whispered.
I glanced over my shoulder in time to watch Logan step out of his car and hand his keys to the valet.
Suddenly, a bouncy brunette burst from the front of the restaurant. “Logan!” she called.
“That’s Tina, isn’t it?” Maria asked. “How long has she–oh.”
Tina ran right up to Logan, threw her arms around his neck, and planted a kiss right on his lips.