Chapter 250
“Ah…” James squealed with delight.
“No, James,” Deborah said.
“He already broke it, love,” Jayden said, amused.
“James, flowers are for admiring and smelling, not for crushing.”
“Ah!” James now whined because the white petals wouldn’t stay in place.
“You broke it, son. That’s why it won’t go back to normal,” Jayden explained with a smile, seeing the pout on his son’s face.
James held up the stem to his mom.
“But you broke it, sweetie,” Deborah said, seeing that he was about to cry because he wanted his flower back.
“Aww… how sweet,” David said, watching the little one’s tantrum.
“Ta–da, it’s done,” the shop owner announced, showing them the completed centerpiece.
“Waa…” James cooed.
“I agree with my son,” Jayden said.
“I love it,” Deborah said, admiring all the details.
“The square vase with these colored pebbles gives it a fishbowl feel, and the gel pearls help keep the crystals in place, creating the illusion that they’re floating in water,” David said, appreciating every detail of the arrangement.
“And everything will have white, blue, and gold roses as requested. I used red, white, and yellow for this model,” the shop owner explained.
“Excellent, and we’ll also make small planters with jasmine in the three rose colors to place on top of them these hairpins, which will be a gift from the bride and groom to the guests,” David added, showing a sample of the pins.
“Yes, look, this is how it would look,” she said, receiving a bouquet from her assistant, which already had some blue and gold–painted flowers to show how it would look with the accessory.
“Perfect, I love it,” Deborah said.
“It will definitely catch the guests‘ attention,” Jayden agreed.
“Ah…” James reached out his hand to try and grab the arrangement.
“You can’t break this one, son,” Deborah said, pulling it away.
“Ah!” The little one frowned, frustrated that his mom wouldn’t let him grab the item.
“Come on, let’s move you away from the temptation,” Jayden said, picking him up and distracting him by showing him other nearby flowers.
Chapter 250
“So, sweetheart, how much would this centerpiece with the extras cost?” David asked, pulling out his tablet to start calculating.
“Let’s see,” the shop owner said, taking out her calculator and notepad to jot down the materials used. “It would be 350 each since we’re painting the flowers; that’s the price if you buy them,” she explained while redoing some calculations. “If you rent them, it would be 220, although both prices may vary depending on the quantity you order.”
“We’ll need about 70; we’re planning for 60 tables and 10 for decorations at the entrance and the gift table,” David said, still working on his tablet. “I think we’ll go with renting them, and…”
“We’ll buy them,” Jayden interrupted. “Because let’s be honest, someone will probably take one home, and it’s better to have them already paid for than having to apologize to you for losing some decorations,” he said, looking the shop owner in the eyes.
“I agree,” Deborah said.
“Then it’s settled,” the shop owner said happily, making more calculations.
“Ah… ah…” James kept trying to reach the flowers and started crying when he couldn’t.
“Someone’s getting frustrated,” Jayden commented, gently rocking his little one.
“Look, James,” Deborah said, reaching into the diaper bag to pull out a bottle of formula.
“Ah… bl…” Now James was excited as he grabbed the bottle and started drinking the liquid while getting comfortable in his dad’s arms.
“That’s what he wanted,” Jayden said, putting a bib on his son.
“Sorry, little one, but we’re almost done,” David commented. “We just need to choose your mom’s bouquet.”
“You know, I didn’t think this would take so long,” Jayden confessed.
“Well, now you know; we learned something new,” Deborah said.
The shop owner quickly fetched the bridal bouquet catalog for Deborah to choose from.
Luckily, the bouquet was easier to pick, and after paying for all the decorations, the bouquet, and the flower James broke, they returned home to rest for the day.