The summer ended, and my final year of
elementary school began. Focused on the
NDU, I’d already studied the middle school
curriculum. Unsurprisingly, I aced the first
exam, breaking the school record. Alex, with
his delicate health and constant pampering,
predictably landed at the bottom of the class.
As soon as we got home, he ran to Mom,
crying, “Mommy, I’m so stupid! I got last
place! Brother…brother got first…”
Mom immediately comforted him. “No, Alex,
you’re not stupid! Your brother studied ahead
of time, that’s why he did so well.”
Dad joined in. “Exactly! He just memorized
everything. You’ll do much better when you’re
older. You’re so smart, Alex.”
They showered him with reassurances, while
my achievement was completely ignored.
They even avoided mentioning grades at
dinner that night, for fear of upsetting Alex.
I was used to it by now, watching their loving
charade from the sidelines. The old me would
have flipped the table.