- 4.
Last time, I focused solely on academics.
Now I know, there are so many things to do
aside from studying.
On the weekends, I go with my grandpa to the
chess tent, and after he wins, he acts modest,
saying “not bad“.
I finally wait for the quy who scams old people
into buying health supplements, and call the police.
Last time, my grandpa took those supplements, and got liver failure.
I found a bottle of Coca–Cola hidden under
Grandma’s bed, and went to throw it away.
Grandma complained, saying “that’s five bucks“.
I said,
“If you get diabetes, you’ll have to use insulin
everyday and it costs thousands.”
“Your skin will rot, you will be covered in scars,
and you might have to get amputated.”
She got so scared that she just let me throw it
Last time, I told her those things to scare her,
but it all came true.
At dinner, my parents discussed,
“Our company is selling a lot, but why isn’t the
stock price rising? Is it dangerous?”
I remember, that was the company that my dad
sold, and then it went up 20 times in price.
He made the right judgement, he just wasn’t
And I missed the opportunity to be a trust fund
I ask my dad,
“Why do you think it’s gonna rise?”
My dad started explaining his research:
He counted the delivery trucks at the factory, and talked to the security guards. Also, the company is a semi–monopoly, and guaranteed to profit.
My accountant mom nodded in agreement.
I took MBA, so I know his reasoning is accurate.
I thought about it, and said,
“We have houses and cars and no debt. Even if
we lose all of our money, will our current quality of life really change?”
They nodded, and I told my dad to delete the
stock app for six months.
So he doesn’t sell when he gets nervous.
There are so many trust fund kids, and it’s time
for me to join the ranks.