- 2.
When I didn’t say anything, Mark cupped my
face, all lovey–dovey.
The look I used to adore now just made me
“Babe, trust me, I just feel bad for her, that’s
all. You know how long we’ve known each
other. Ashley’s a sweetheart, she even told
me she likes you.”
I pushed his hands away, cold. “My parents
cut me off for you. Where am I gonna get that
kind of money?”
Mark didn’t seem to notice my sarcasm.
“Honey, you’re their only kid. Talk to them,
explain the situation. They’ll help, right?”
I fired back, “You like Ashley, don’t you?”
Mark’s eyes flickered for a second, but he
quickly covered it up.
“What? No way, Pam. Everyone knows you’re
, just a mentee
the only girl for me. She’s just a mentee,
who’s a friend. I just feel bad for her, that’s it.
Don’t overthink it, babe.”
I stood up, not even looking at him. “She’s
your friend, not mine. I don’t owe her
Mark frowned. “Pam, you’re usually so kind
and understanding. What happened to you?
Your parents have money, they’re healthy,
you’re not starving. Ashley has nothing. Her
mom died, she’s got that dirtbag dad, you’re
just like…you’re being so insensitive!”
He stormed off and started digging through
his wallet. He didn’t even bother talking to me
before slamming the door on his way to
guilt–tripping thing? Like everything
How could Mark say such a self–righteous,
happening to Ashley was my fault.
I threw my stuff in a bag and texted Mark:
“We’re done.”
Then I blocked his number and all his socials.
This time, he could see how far he’d get
without my help.
Mark was about to launch his start–up
company. Last time, I went home and begged my parents on my knees. I drank so much at
those networking events, I almost died. All to
help him. And what did I get?
Did he even really love me?
Every time we were together, was he thinking
about me, or that perfect mentee of his?