- 3.
I went back home, and my folks looked pretty
surprised to see me.
My dad said, kinda mean, “If you’re here for
him, just turn around. Your mom and I can’t
stand him.”
Seeing my parents healthy and still kicking, I
almost lost it. Last time, after Mark killed me,
what kind of pain did my folks endure?
I started bawling right there in the doorway.
Mom nudged Dad, frowning. “That’s not nice,
honey. Look at our girl, she’s a mess.”
I ran into my mom’s arms and just let it all
out: the regret, the anger, all of it.
“There, there, sweetie. What happened? Did
that Mark guy hurt you?”
I nodded. “I… I broke up with him. I don’t love
him anymore. I want to come home.”
My parents looked relieved, but also kinda
Dad even asked, real cautious, “Is this like, a
real break–up? Like, no getting back
I laughed through the tears and nodded. Then
I told them everything.
My parents were furious. “That Mark! I knew
he was bad news! You went without seeing
your family because of him, and now he
backstabs you?
I looked away, feeling guilty.
What was I thinking? Choosing some guy over
my own family?
“It’s good to have you home.”
Mom patted my back, like when I was little. It
had been a long day, and I was wiped. I fell
asleep in her arms.
I woke up to a bunch of missed calls from
Mark and a post from Ashley on social media.
She posted a picture of her in the passenger
seat of Mark’s car, with Mark wiping her
tears. She captioned it: “No matter what,
you’re always there for me.”
Even though I was expecting it, it still stung.
Mark and I were together for six years. He
loved me so much that everyone said they’d
lose faith in love if we didn’t get married.
Love changes, right?
My phone buzzed. It was Ashley.
“Pam, I’m sorry about that post. You know
things are crazy for me right now, and Mark’s
just been a shoulder to cry on. I heard you
and Mark broke up, and it’s totally my fault. I
feel terrible.”
I didn’t reply. I didn’t want to give her the
Posting stuff like that, then saying this? What
did she want me to do?
Beg Mark to come back? Or go over to her
place and beat her up?
People like her and Mark make me sick.