Dad was new money. Our neighborhood got
rezoned, and overnight, we were rich. But he
didn’t splurge. He started a small business. It
had been doing well until recently, when
things suddenly took a downturn.
After Mom left, I went through her things. The
irony was thick. Her closet held nothing under
$2000. Her vanity was covered in designer
skincare. Even her toner was over $100. She
was the one living the high life, yet she
accused us of being materialistic. The
hypocrisy was stunning. I wondered how her
“elegance” would hold up without Dad’s
A pounding on the door interrupted my
thoughts. Downstairs, my greedy uncle and
aunt were confronting Dad. “My sister gave
us that villa! It’s ours! We’re married now!
Where are we supposed to live? A spoiled
brat like Chloe doesn’t deserve a villa for a
Their entitlement was identical to last time.
But this time, I had Dad.