- 12.
The president made Brittany apologize.
She didn’t want to, but he forced her to do it.
“You did this!” he yelled. “How could a
famous writer like Violet be mixed up with
He slapped her.
Brittany cried.
The president yelled, “Our name has been
“Write an apology letter right now!”
He had already written the letter for her.
She posted it to social media.
The fans realized the truth and were mad.
“We ruined a good writer.”
#ApologizeToVioletLewis and
#ComeBackViolet started trending.
People talked about when they started
reading my DOOKS.
[Violet was amazing and wrote a lot.]
[I was in elementary school then, and now I’m
graduating high school.]
[I didn’t think she would copy.]
[I miss her, I have nothing to read.]
[Violet, please come back!]
The president gave the phone to my mom,
thinking she would let him off the hook.
But my mom said. “We have the evidence;
you’re all going to get sued.”
- 13.
Brittany got canceled and Jake’s story was
spread on the internet.
He liked Brittany for a long time, and he
planned the plagiarism.
[He’s cheating!]
[He helped his crush hurt his girlfriend!]
[These two should die!]
[I saw his other social media, and he hates
They got revenge for what happened to me.
Jake got hurt and wanted to talk to me.
But the fans didn’t let him.
He went back home with a lot of problems.
Brittany was worse.
She had to deal with a lawsuit, a lot of
money, and the internet.
She couldn’t deal with it and had problems.
One night, she jumped off a building.
When I heard, I was working with my mom to
start a new website.
Everyone who loved to write would have a
They could write anything they wanted.
That’s how writing should be.