Ethan asked Jonah if he knew where his father was, and after a long silence, Jonah nodded. They eventually found Adrian and Bella’s bodies on a remote island. Bella had been brutally tortured, missing several organs, with her fingernails and teeth forcibly removed, and her throat slit
as the final blow. Adrian’s wounds were consistent with a suicide.
According to Jonah’s statement, Adrian had tortured and killed Bella before taking his own life. When asked if Adrian had said anything before he died, Jonah answered without a hint of sadness.
“Dad said he was sorry and was going to join Mom, hoping she’d forgive him.” Jonah laughed bitterly, adding,
“But Mom won’t forgive him. He’s the reason she died, and he’ll rot in hell while she’s in heaven.”
When he mentioned me, Jonah’s face crumbled, and he broke down sobbing, crying out for me to return.
The police glanced at one another before moving him to a counseling room. Jonah never disclosed how he escaped the island.