After I was diagnosed with ALS, I was tricked into marriage by the driver’s son who pretended to be stupid ChAPTER 6

After I was diagnosed with ALS, I was tricked into marriage by the driver’s son who pretended to be stupid ChAPTER 6
  1. 6

My heart was dead, shattered into pieces

Think about what you’ve done, I’ll come back 

for you later.” 

He threw the wood a foot away from me

I slowly sank… 

I had a long dream, and woke up in the 



My old colleagues were taking care of me

Their eyes were red, like they’d been crying

Is everything ready?” 

They all nodded, tears streaming down their 

faces, and asked me why I was doing this

But if I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t escape his 


I’d known he was checking up on me

He’d even given me a necklace with a tracker

I’d started leaving it at home whenever I went 

out. One time, Betty saw me

She turned away and pretended not to notice


The tracker necklace was at the bottom of 

the swamp now

I stayed in the hospital for two days, and 

Cody sent me a message

Where’d you go? Get back here and make 


For three years, I’d cut myself off from my 

friends and devoted my time to learning how 

to cook, so he could have a hot meal 

whenever he wanted

During the first year, he took advantage of 

pretending to be sick

He’d throw his plate on the floor, and I’d 

make it again


Now I knew the scar on my head was from 

when Ashley and my childhood friend, Nick

went on their honeymoon. He was angry and 

threw a glass bowl, and it cut me

On the third day, he sent me a long, rambling 

text message. I glanced at it

All about how he wanted to helpme

I just turned off my phone

I knew what time it was, so I released the 

information about an unidentified female body 

being found by the police

I used a voice changer and a burner phone to 

call Cody


When he picked up, he was breathing heavily

mixed with a woman’s moans

Hello, are you related to Sarah?” 

He froze

Babe, it’s probably a scammer


We pulled a body out of the swamp, and the 

phone number on the back of her phone is 


The phone clicked off

I knew he would. I called my friend. Okay, do 


My phone rang again. He’d checked the 

I snapped the SIM card in half and threw it 


After having a farewell dinner with my friends

I boarded a plane and left

I moved into a small apartment that I’d bought 

ahead of time

At the hospital, the doctor ran a bunch of 


Because I’d caught it early, I could live for ten 

years, maybe longer

I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I could live for 


After two weeks, I was starting to get used to 

the weather in England and had even 

the weather in England, and had even 

adopted a kitten

The pain only came out at night

During the day, I was happy. But at night, I’d 

wake up screaming

My neighbor suggested I see a therapist, and 

it helped

I started taking my kitten to the park

I baked, and went to dinner with some other 


My life was full and happy

A month went by, and the story was blowing 

up back home

It’s been a month, why is she still mad? Tell 

her to come back!” 

This is bad.” 

Betty rushed up to Cody and showed him her 


It was a post about unclaimed property

It was the tracker necklace that Cody had 

given me

I loved it, and never took it off

He froze, his legs giving out. He didn’t want 

to believe it

Cody frantically opened his phone, and finally 

looked at the photos he’d been sent


His phone dropped to the floor

Ashley picked it up, and immediately deleted 

the picture

She’s just trying to make you jealous so 

you’ll go find her.” 

But Sarah would never leave without telling 

  1. me. I knew something was wrong.” 

Did she find out what happened before….?” 

Cody looked guilty

Enough! You’re just a servant, who asked 

you to interrupt?” 

  1. 7


Ashley yelled at Betty

Cody felt a flicker of annoyance

He knew she wasn’t a good person, but today 

he was really sick of her

Cody ran to the basement

Ashley followed him, and saw the walls 

covered with photos of her

I’m so moved‘ 


Get back to work. We need money. To raise 

our kid.” 

It’s probably a misunderstanding, or an act 

of jealousy. She and I have been close since 

we were kids.” 

Cody looked at the water glass

Ashley had looked over at him, but when he 

hadn’t responded, threw the cup into the floor 

breaking it into pieces

Cody felt angry, but then, looking at her face

didn’t say anything

They were walking out the door holding hands 

when Betty came running

Everyone, stay away from the swamp! A girl 

died out there a month ago, and no one has 

claimed the body.” 

Cody stopped

The swamp doesn’t have very deep water

no one could drown,Ashley said 

Cody said Betty, you should be following 


I don’t understand, are they together?” 

Why is she doing this?” 

The bottom of the swamp has turned into


Cody knew she had learned the truth 

Ashley said that it’s ok to not let her hurt 


Cody went into the basement, went to the 

computer, and looked up the browser history

He froze, tears filling his eyes

His hands were shaking, and he asked his 

assistant to find the location of the funeral 


He joined his hands and begged for this to all 

just be a dream

Because I always told him this can always 

keep him lucky

When he got to the funeral home, he could 

barely walk

The assistant had to help him

The staff took him to the viewing room

And handed him an urn

Cody went crazy, yelling that he didn’t believe 


You’re lying! I didn’t see the body, I don’t 

believe it!” 

The staff showed him photos. The clothes

the bracelet on my wrist, and the tattoo I’d 

gotten for him


And the blurry face it was me

He saw the corpse’s face, and fell to his 

knees, crying. He finally accepted it

He took my ashes home, and bought a burial 


He spent every day hugging the urn, drinking

and crying

Good riddance. I’m glad she’s gone!” 


Ashley put her arms around Cody from 


“When are you going to take over the 

company? I need you to think about our 


He just never comes home.” 

What a blessing, her sister is going to take 

care of her dad.” 

Cody felt a wave of disgust for Ashley

He shoved her to the ground

Get out!” 

He wandered into the bedroom

The place that was once filled with photos 

and couple’s things was empty

Everywhere in the house reminded him of me

The grab bar next to the bed, to keep me 

from falling out at night

The notes I’d left in the bathroom

The food in the fridge, with little notes

Cody eats two bowls!” 

Cody’s favorite ribs!” 

The lunch was made on the 20, which was 

one day before Cody said he came out of his 


So she knew the entire time.” 

Cody was remembering all the things he had 

done to me for his lover

He was in pain and broke down and cried

He sat on the bed and saw a stain on my 


When he looked closer, he saw it was a tear 

stain, the tears had left a mark


Cody slapped himself

The house still had traces of me


Our laughter was gone

Three years had gone by in an instant

He had grown accustomed to me by his side

and in the end he grew to love me

He picked up the urn, went downstairs

His legs had grown weak

When the ashes fell on the floor

All of the white powder spilled out on the 


He lost control of his emotions and began

pleading and begging 

I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It was my fault” 


He took a whiff of the powder

  1. 8

It was powder milk

I didn’t lose my teeth

He was laughing again, he knew that his 

smoke wouldn’t leave him

If only he could’ve found his sister, and 

helped take care of her

She was crying when she saw him again

He was at that time to say that he was wrong

and that he could fix it

The woman said she told you that this was

mistake a while back, and I am sure it’s the 

killers fault

The way that she would look at you and never 

get angry

I made it where you wouldn’t need her, and 

was the sister and brother of her

She was an amazing women, to not have 

those bad feelings

Why are we adding our innocent girl’s hearts 

broken, for your romance?” 

The girl who got their heart broken is the 

one who will always win her” 


I began telling her the truth, I didn’t know that 

he was that type of person

From the side of the country came a new 


We would be a success

Once I began planning my escape with my 

sister and cousin, I’ll be getting ready to print 

another 3D

The reason being so I can make sure I can 

avoid this bad time

I began moving the items to be ready for all 

of this

The side of the country where I made 

everything will soon begin a new path where 

the love will be different than it was before

While sitting down I began reading the new 

and great news

I’m thinking about how all of the bad things 

I’ve heard is a sign of something I once 


He never let me go the correct way, so why 

after fake being him he’ll be so bad

It’s never meant to be happy

It wasn’t a long time ago that I did a wedding 

test, I learned about those things back when

would do the wedding

It wasn’t long enough to see how far it’ll take 

me, everything has gotten so bad


It was just a private party, where the third 

wheel got away

For everything that had gone wrong, that was 

all I needed

I made sure to grab my dog, and take him to 

the shelter

At what point could he still be the same

My phone began ringing, it was a number

couldn’t recognize 

I then pulled the side trigger, I turned the 

strangers to being locked

The phone here in England, had gotten sent 

to me by my brother to make things better for 


I began a conversation with him

We haven’t been together for now

England is now my safe place, so I don’t have 

to be someone else to be able to fix any 


In this safe place, I am able to hang out with 

others, and we have the same goals

The one thing that I’ve learned is, the life you 

create is the most amazing life, just you

I will always be here for you

We will always have a safe house for you

I’ll always stay the same and be proud of you

At this time, the two companies that were left 

in the side of the country were on the same 


Those two being Norths and Smiths

Smith knew that she was going to ruin the 

things that had been planned out already

My family wanted to say I set all of this up 

and was killed

All of this had happened back when she 

began talking to me

The house began going into ruins

This is where you can see how things were

  1. 9


Lee went to the house to look for Blake

Lee said Blake would be back soon

But it took a while for that to happen

because the home was now a ghost town 

Sister is doing some amazing thing with her 

life at the moment” 

Lee said that what she had done was 

unforgivable and asked for a moment

They went to the hospital together

The children went home

Blake has never met the father

Blake wanted to bring it to the hospital with 


They both wanted to make sure the same 

tests were in place

The two of them said everything that was 

going on and found out they were wrong

She said I did an act of nature. I didn’t give 

birth to you” 

  1. 10

Lee asked Blake for a moment of forgiveness

Blake said that he wanted to stay far

Blake was now broken down and was crying

I was tricked. This is the life I would’ve had!” 

Blake heard everything that was said

Blake has now left to be the man he was born 

to be and had the life that he wanted

This is how you can create a life

I remember I would tell the children about our 

life and was one that will continue to be with 

us and make sure everything is ok for the 

both of us

The man has just arrived at the door

Blake got over with the children and went to 

be together forever

After many months Blake came to see me

I got over them and told them everything

Let me get my money out and I’ll be over 

later to tell you more about what’s been 

going on❞ 

I didn’t understand everything that was 

coming out

I was under the influence and I am in charge 

of what will be said.” 

Blake said that what I told them had changed 

his life, and I helped him

I asked them what the worst thing had 

happened in the life you wanted?” 

She told him what the reason was, and asked 

him to tell them all of it

I did everything, and can’t remember” 

Blake reached down and grabbed the knife

I have had bad life, can I tell you about it

I had a life and they stole it from me 


She grabbed Blake, and began touching the 


It wasn’t worth it, Blake” 

She asked what I wanted, as they began 

touching the scars

I did everything, and was used! It wasn’t 

what I wanted

I am here for you” 

I am sorry to tell you. There are many years 

left that Blake said that she had” 

I made the most bad decision in my life! To 

give you the life that I did!” 

Is the reason I began to have problems, so 

where I am now it should not be?” 

They can move on, but now I should know

Everything from the beginning” 

The life I was given was the worst one ever

It wasn’t like I wanted!” 

Blake went to his family, and began to tell 

them everything

The family then showed him a video

I told you everything about what happened in 

your life because it didn’t go with you

The rest of the story

Blake went on to tell me that I was going to 

show you what I have, but this life is worth 

more than just a couple hours” 

I told him about myself, and told him about 

things that had happened to me

A side story that has been said about me and 

I remember

After a few weeks, it came to me

The side of the story about me and what has 

been said

Everyone in the world deserves to be happy

I was asked a question about what had 

happened to me, and I explained it the best


There were two people that were going to 

The names didn’t matter but here it is

They began by the side of the people that 

were going to ruin our lives

There was a story that began to have its end

I am now working as a volunteer

All of them have began coming together and 

making me see what’s coming 

I’m learning new things now and began to see 

that they all help me in my new time

These people would always ask about the 

person to be, when they are the type to care 

for others

I remember everything that these people 

would talk about when everything was going 

on in their life

Did they care about those? Did they worry

Every so often there has been new news that 

in seing all over the place now 

There may not be a great story but one of 

them are just amazing

The wife was the one that pushed the dad to 

the ground. 

He had everything

And was caught

All together 

I was in the forest picking blueberries

Just enjoying life.

After I was diagnosed with ALS, I was tricked into marriage by the driver’s son who pretended to be stupid novel

After I was diagnosed with ALS, I was tricked into marriage by the driver’s son who pretended to be stupid novel

Status: Ongoing


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