- 12.
Mom tries to stop us, but Dad grabs her.
“Honey, relax, it’s just a kidney, we’ll take
care of her, she can still live like a normal
“What do you mean, ‘live like a normal
Mom starts screaming.
“Didn’t you see the report?
She only has one kidney left!
She’ll die!”
Chad finally reacts.
“What report?
What are you talking about?”
He remembers the nurse who tried to show
him the report, but he ignored her.
Mom doesn’t answer him, she just starts
hitting Dad.
“It’s your fault!
My daughter hates me now!”
Mom’s breaking down.
“Did you know that Mom lied? Ashley only has
one kidney, and you made her donate that so
you can replace her and continue hurting
Ashley. You took so much from her. You
made us all hate her. Why did you do this?”
“Why did you have an affair and have a baby!
And why would you make our own family hate
Dad comforts Mom, and hugs her.
Suddenly, Mom stops.
She glares at Dad.
“Wait, why did you want Ashley to have the
Why did you have to adopt Brittany?”
“Why did Ashley’s kidney match Brittany?”
Dad is silent.
Mom tries to remember.
“I know what you did and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t
have ever had an affair with a married
woman. “You think it’s funny, but it’s not. And
those years when Chad, Ashley, and I all
hated each other, it was because of me.”
Mom knows the truth.
Brittany’s Dad’s bastard daughter.
“I want a divorce!”
“You know what Ashley went through?
Brittany did it!”
“We can’t let Brittany take this precious
kidney of Ashley’s and be happy for the rest
of her life while Ashley dies. What is wrong
with you!”
Mom slaps Dad, but he doesn’t even flinch.
Everything is all because of one person:
The one who wanted to replace me.
Dad knocks Mom out.
Chad’s stunned.
“Dad, is this true?
Did you lie to us all?”
Carter looks at me, realizing.
He remembers me giving him the report.
Calm, no emotions.
I didn’t ask him for anything.
He thinks I don’t like him anymore.
But he can’t deal with that!