- 5.
Chad scoffs.
“Planning to take what you have?
We gave you everything for over twenty years,
you really think you can pay us back?”
I lower my head.
I don’t understand these people.
They hate me, I’m not a Landry, why would
they want me to leave?
I end up staying at the Landry home.
My old bedroom is Brittany’s now.
I’m in the maid’s room, which I never set foot
in before.
I don’t complain, I go to sleep early.
Even in this soft bed, I have a nightmare.
I’m in the hospital, I’m hurt.
Men rip my clothes off and laugh at me.
I tell them my family will do something about
I tell them my fiancé will save me.
But no one cares.
They say I’m not a Landry anymore.
They say no one will save me.
They say I’m foolish.
Because the Landrys and Carter let this
Once again, I wake up from a nightmare.
I’m so cold.