- 8.
The main reason Chad became famous was
because I wrote him songs.
I managed his social media.
All his photos and videos came from me.
I didn’t think about the returns when I did
Chad had me delete all my records.
I was devastated.
Chad’s label never asked that.
He didn’t want me to expose him.
Will laughed.
“That jerk bribed my judges. What else is he
capable of? Weren’t you working on a
damage control song for Chad? There’s a
concert next week. I’ll let you perform. That
song can show what you can do.”
Will knew too much about me.
I thought about it and said, “Okay, I’ll sign.”
I want to see what happens when I sing the
songs I wrote for Chad.
Will was quick to act.
He hired a vocal coach and stylists.
I rehearsed at the concert venue.
I ran into Brenda there.
She was whispering to Chad on the phone.
“Chad, the high notes are too hard. I can’t do
Chad was annoyed.
“You can’t do anything right! Are you just
going to let Ashley beat you?”
Brenda frowned.
“I got here because of you! You told me to
stab Ashley in the back! You said that would
get me publicity!”
“Now I’m getting harassed!”
“Stop whining!”
Chad lost his temper.
“It’s your fault you can’t sing! Ashley wrote
you a good song, but you can’t sing it! You’re
going to get canceled!”
“I wrote that song! Now, if you sing it, you
can call her a copycat! If you don’t sing it,
just wait to get canceled!”
“But I…Hello? Hello?”
Brenda wanted to say more, but Chad hung
Brenda turned around and saw me.
She gave me a glare.
“Ashley! I’m going to destroy you! I’m going
to sing this song!”
I laughed.
“Sure, good luck!”
- 9.
Brenda’s performance was before mine.
I heard her quietly humming and practicing.
I knew that she was singing the same song |
Chad just changed the lyrics.
I felt a chill.
She wants a fight?
I’ll show her!
Brenda walked on stage.
The host introduced her.
“Next, please welcome Brenda to sing her
original song, ‘Innocent‘.”
The crowd booed her.
She smiled and stiffly counted the beats.
She started singing with the music.
She went off–key!
The crowd laughed.
Brenda’s face turned red.
She sang worse because she was nervous.
The crowd cracked up.
Her performance was funnier than the
standup show.
Brenda’s face was red.
She couldn’t take it anymore.
She ran off stage crying.
I walked on stage.
I started singing.
The laughter stopped.
Everyone was lost in my voice.
My solid singing and the changed lyrics made
the two songs different.
The audience understood what was
I walked off stage.
The crowd applauded.
My performance trended online.
I announced that I signed with Will’s label.
I showed the evidence I wrote that song.
I sent Chad and Brenda a cease and desist.
Brenda kept lying and harassing me.
The internet was tired of her excuses.
They asked her to show proof.
She didn’t have anything.
Chad and Brenda supported each other.
Chad’s label cut ties with him.
Brenda wasn’t signed.
Will looked into Chad’s past.
He found out about Chad bribing the judges.
Chad got exposed and canceled.
Three days after getting canceled, Chad
came to me.
He cried and asked to get back together.
After I rejected him, he handed me a file.
“Ashley, I know you hate Brenda. This has
evidence of Brenda trying to hurt you and
videos of her with the director. If you side
with me, I’ll give you this stuff. You can do
whatever you want to Brenda.”
I raised an eyebrow and recorded the
conversation when he wasn’t looking.
Chad heard me and thought I agreed.
He nodded.
“Really, Ashley, help me clear my name. Say
that Brenda was the one coming onto me. I
promise I’ll give you everything.”
I sent the recording to Brenda and looked at
“You’re rotten to the core,” I said.
I told security to throw him out.
I thought that was the end of it.
I heard the news that night.
A woman crashed into another car on the
The other driver was paralyzed.
The woman was arrested for drunk driving.
The woman was Brenda.
She crashed into Chad.
They were rotten to the core and attacking
each other.
I found it hilarious.
I finally escaped the drama.
The future is bright.