Chapter 4- The Contract
Chapter 4- The Contract
The Romano family’s downtown office looked exactly like youd expect all dark wood and leather, old money oozing from every surface. The kind of place where deals were made and fates were decided.
I sat in one of the high–backed chairs, Dante’s jacket still around my shoulders, and watched my future slip away.
“The benefits are obvious,” Dante was saying, his voice smooth as aged whiskey. He’d changed into a fresh suit, dark blue this time, the bruise on his jaw barely visible. “The harbor dispute ends. The casino territories are split fairly. Both Enmilies interests are protected.”
Papa nodded slowly, has fingers steepled under his thin. We’d moved this life war council to the Romanos territory after that disaster at the hotel. Neutral ground, supposedly. Though nothing about the Romanos was ever neutral
“And the timeline?” Papa asked.
“Two years.” Dante replied promptly. Like he’d had this all planned out. Maybe he had. “Long enough to establish stability, short enough us be acceptable to all partics”
I couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “Acceptable to all parties? Have you even asked me what I find acceptable?”
Lucia,” Marco wamed softly.
life become a business transaction!”
But I was done bring quiet. Done being the good daughter. “No, I want to know. When early did my
“When you decided to spend the night with the heir to our biggest rival family, Leo muntered. Iflinched. The words hurt more coming from him. Len, who used to sneak the candy when Papa said I’d had enough. Who taught me to throw a punch when I was twelve.
“That’s enough.” Papa said quietly. But he wasn’t looking at Lea. Ha eyes were fixed on me, full of that same disappointment from earlier, “Lucia, cara, sometimes we mist make sacrifices for family”
“Sacrifices?” I laughed, the sound brittle. “You want me to marry a man thate for two years. That’s not a sacrifice, Papa. That’s a prison sentence.” Dante’s face remained impassive, but something flickered in his eyes. The terms would be generous,” he said. “You’d maintain your independence. Your men account, your own schedule. We’d appear together at necessary events, maintain the appearance of a happy manage, but otherwise–” “Otherwise what I cut in “Otherwise we pretend this while thane isn’t completely insane!”
Would you prefer a war?” He asked it softly, but the words carried weight. “Because that’s the alternative, cara. Your brother’s already thrown the first punch. How long before someone reaches for something more permanent than fists?”
Enages flashed through my mind. Antonin’s temper. The Romano enforcers Blood in the streets like the old days, before the uneasy peace
families had bull.
Youre blackmashing me,” I realized “Using my family against me,
He didn’t deny it Tm offering a solution that benefits everyone.”
“Everyone except me.
The contract would protect you,” he contimard as if I hadn’t spoken. “Everything in writing. Your freedom, pour assets,
“How romantic.
A ghost of a smile touched his lips Romance isn’t part of the deal, can.”
Something inside me cracked at that. At the casual way he dismissed the very
a of love. Like it was nothing. Like last night had been nothing.
I looked at Papa, searching for any sign that he might take my side. But I saw only resolution in his eyes. The same look he got when making difficult business decisions.
That’s all this was to them. Business
“What about my work?” I asked finally, hating that I was even considering this. “The foundation?”
“Continues as pormal,” Dante replied smoothly. “In fan, as my wife, you’d have access to addiol resources Connections that could help expand your charitable works.”
Of coume he knew about my foundation. Knew it was my weakness. The one thing I’d built entirely on my own, helping kids from the streets. Kics
ke we used to be, before our families clawed their way to the top
Clever bastard.
“I want it in writing,” I said, my voice hollow. “Everything. The timeline, the terms, my independence. All of it.”
“Lucia–Papa started
“If you’re going to sell me off like a prize cow, I want guarantees.”
Dante’s jaw tightened at that, but he nodded. “My lawyers can have a draft ready within the hour”
Of course they could. He probably had them working on it all morning
“I have conditions,” I said.
Chapter 4 The Contram
“Name them.”
“Separate bedrooms,“
He inclined his head. “Done.”
“I maintain complete control of my foundation. No Romano interference.”
“And when the two years are up, I walk away clean. No strings, no obligations, no attempts to extend the contract.”
Something crossed his face then, too quick to read. “You have my word”
I almost loughed. The word of a Roman u what choice did I have!
“One more thing.” I added, standing up, I shrugged off his jacket, letting it fall to the chair. “I want it clear that this is a business arrangement. Nothing
He stood too, lowering over me. For a moment, I remembered how those hands had felt on my skin, how his lips had
“Crystal clear,” he said softly.
Inimed to Papa “Are you happy now! is family honor satisfied?”
He looked older anddenly, the weight of leadership heavy on his shoulders “Luth, one day you’ll understand-
“Don’t.” Theld v
dup a hand. “Just don’t ”
The room fell silent. Outside, the city continued its crulless rhythm. Cars honking, people living their normal lives. Lives where they got to choose who they loved.
Ill have the contract brought up,” Dante said, reaching for his phone.
I nodded numbly. This was really happening.
In the space of twenty–four hours, I’d gone from independent woman to contracted bride. All because of one night. One moment of weakness
“I need some air, Lamounced.
No one tried to stop me as I walked out. Maybe they thought I couldn’t run now. Maybe they were right.
In the hallway, I caught my reflection in a window. I looked the same, but everything was different.
In two hours, I’d be engaged to Dante Romano.
In two months. I’d be his wife
In two years.
Well, that was the question, wasn’t it?
I was halfway to the elevator when his voice stopped me.
Leaving 10
10 soon, wife
I tarned slowly, my hands clenching into fists at the way he said that word. Wife. Like it amused him. Like this whole situation was some kind of
Dance stood in the hallway, hands in his pockets, looking unfairly perfect in his tailored suit. The brate on his jaw had darkened, but somehow it
dy made him more attractive. Bastard
“Im not your wile yel,” Isnapped
He smiled, that dangerous smile that had gotten use into trouble last night Technically, no. But tomorrow “He took a step closer, and 1 fought the urge in step back. “Tomorrow we start making this official. I’ve already called the best bridal boutiques in the city. They’re expecting us at ten.”
“Excuse nie?”
“Wedding dress shopping, cara.” His eyes glinted with something that looked suspiciously like enjoyment. “Can’t have a society wedding without the perfect dress. Unless.” He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a whisper. “You’d prefer to wear red again? Like last night?”
Heat rushed to my cheeks as 1 remembered how he’d looked at me in that red dress, Hour his hands had felt when he’d taken it off…
“Go to hell,” I said sweerly, jabbing the elevator button
His low chuckle followed me into the elevator Ten AM, cam. Don’t be lace”
The doors closed on his smirking face, and I let out a lareal hadn’t realized I’d been holding,
Two years. I just had to survive two year
But as the elevator descended, I couldn’t shake the feeling the Dante Romano might just be the death of me before then