Chapter 56- Controlled Violence
Dante The basement’s dim lighting cast shadows across concrete walls as I studied the man tied to the steel chair before me. Marco Galante’s usually perfect appearance had suffered significantly designer suit com, that carefully styled hair matted with blood, aristocratic features swollen from my earlier attention.
“Imas by,” his voice carried forced amusement despite split lips. “this seems rather.. undiplomatic for a future mayor.”
My response was another carefully placed strike that mapped his head back. Blood sprayed across imported Italian wool as something cracked satisfyingly.
Marco spat red onto the concrete floor, his smile showing gaps where teeth used to be, “What would the voters think of such uncivilized
“They won’t think anything.” (kept my voice conversational as I removed my suit jacket, folding it with precise movements before placing it on a nearby table. My cufflinks followed–platinum with the Romano crest, worth more than most cars. “Because this conversation never luppened.“.
The basement had been carefully chosen for exactly that purpose. Deep beneath one of our lesser known properties, far from prying eyes or recording devices. The kind of place where carefully maintained political images could be set aside in favor of more direct solutions.
“Your security needs work.” I rolled up my sleeves with mecliodical precision, each movement calculated to build anticipation. “Amateur mistakes. really Though suppose that’s what happens when you try playing games above your level.“
His lough held more blood then huumor, “Games? Is that when you think this wash
“A rather tedious one.” Another strike, this one targeting his solar plexus with surgical accuracy. The sound he made was deeply satisfying. “Though involving my wife was particularly unwise.”
“Your wife?” Marco’s smile showed red–suited teeth. “Such a possessive term for a contract arrangement. Tell me does she know about all the others! The careful terms you negotiate for affection?“”
My hand caught his throat, squeezing just enoughs to remind him of mortality. “Careful”
“Or what?” He managed aruand engstrimed airways. “You’ll kill me? Start a family war weeks before the election?”
“Sir.” James’s voice from the shadows carried careful warning. The timing. ”
I released Marco’s throat, letting him gasp air back into abused lungs. My assistant was right – however satisfying it would be to end this particular
- problem permanently, the political ramifications would be inconvenient
“You see!” Marco’s voice was rough but still camed that aristocrane mockery. “Always in controlled. Always calculating angles. No wonder she was: [D… responsive to a different approach ”
lee formed in my veins. “What did you say??
“Your perfect political wile.” His smile held shadows and blood. “So desperate for real passion instead of careful arrangements. The way she melted when I touched her… when I kissed her whend-
My List connected before conscious thought, sending more teeth scattering across concrete. The sound of cartilage breaking was oddly musical in the basement’s acoustics
“Sir.” junes again, more urgent now. “We can’t afford-”
Another strike silenced whatever lies Marco might have spewed next. My knuckles caine away bloody as something else cracked beneath
measured force..
h carefully
“Interesting.” Marco managed around swollen lips, blood dripping onto his ruined shirt. “Such.. emotional response. Almost like she means something beyond business.”
“Mr. Romano.” James’s voice carried real concern now. “The Chen meeting in twenty minutes..
Reality crashed back like ice water. I had appearances to maintain, a campaign to manage, a careful facade to preserve. No matter how satisfying it would be to end Marco Galante’s existence permanently.
“We’re not finished,” 1 straightened, rebuilding masks of control even as fury burned beneath my skin. “Though perhaps we should discuss your recent financial difficulties. Those gambling debts your family doesn’t know about.”
His smile vanished. Perfect,
“Your offshore accounts are rather, vulnerable.” Letrieved my jacket, shrugging it on with practiced ease. “It would be unfortunate if certain authorities received anonymous tips. Or if your family learned exactly how much of their money you’ve lost recently.”
You wouldn’t dare=”
“Or perhaps,” Leontinued smoothly, “we should examine your connection to my uncle’s recent… indiscretions. The information leaks, the strategic weakening of family operations… fascinating potters, really.“.
Calor drained from his battered fer as implications hit. “That’s not
“Though I’m particularly interested in your recent communications with certain rival families.” Istraightened my cuffs, each movement precise and controlled. The kind of communications that might suggest disloyalty to your own blood.”
Understanding dawned in his eyes as he finally recognized the trap. Amateur.
Chapter Mi–Controlled Violence
“The Galantes have always lacked subtlety.” I mused, retrieving my cufflinks. “Though involving my wife in your petty power plays was particularly…. unwise
“I never touched her.” The words came fast now, desperation bleeding through aristocratic polish. “Ti vrajuu… pięciological warfare. Strategy.”“
“Strategy,” I smiled, letting him see exactly what that admission would cost. “Like your careful alliance with my uncle! Your attempts to undermine family operations?”
Sweat beaded on his forehead despite the basement’s chill. “I can explain
“To your family?” My voice carried careful sympathy, “I’m sure they’ll be fascinated by the evidence I’ve gathered. The money trails, the secret meetings, the systematic betrayal of everything the Galantes value.
“Please.” All pretense of control vanished as survival instinct kicked in. Til tell you everything. About your uncle, about the Chen family’s involvement, about ”
“Of course you will
adjusted my tie with practiced precision. “James will take your statement. Every decail, every connection, every piece of evidence that might prove.. meful-
Relief flickered across his battered face. “And then-
“Then we discuss terms.” My smile showed too many teeth. “Though I should warn you – Im not as generous as my wife when it comes to negotiations.”
Understanding his like another blow as he finally recognized his position. No more careful games, no more strategic alliances. Just the brutal reality of power and consequence.
“Janes.” I moved toward the stairs, each step measured and controlled. “Make sure our guest is comfortable while he considers his options.”
“Yes, sir.” My
yassistant’s voice carried professional efficiency as he prochiced a tablet. “Shall I record his statement regariling recent family buunca!“
“Everything, “I paused at the bottom sex
step, letting Marco see exactly what awaited if his cooperation proved insufficient. “And Marco! That comment about my wife!”
His split lips trembled slightly. I didn’t”
“Cast your two teeth” I smiled, shadows and promise wrapped in perfect control. Imagine what the next le might cost?
1 left him with James, ascending concrete steps while rebuilding careful mosks. The Chen meeting required my political face all smooth charm and calculated grace. No hint of hasement violence or personal verigester
But Marco’s words about Lucia buried beneath my skin like acid, making carefully maintained control splinter and crack. The mere suggestion of his hands on her made something primitive and violent rise in my chest – something that had nothing to do with careful business arrangements or political calculations. The thought of him touching her, of his mouth anywhere near her skin of him even breathing the same air as her….
My hand clenched hard enough to whiten kickles m fresh fury threatened to send me back down those basement steps. To finish what careful politics said I couldn’t. To make him suffer for even during in speak her name with those bloodied lips.
The possessive rage felt foreign after years of careful distance, I’d built my empire on control–on never letting emotion interfere with strategy, on keeping everything categorized and contained in proper boxes. But when it came to Luci
The memory of her in that villa, playing her part perfectly while fever already burned beneath her skin, made my chest ache with something that lad no place in careful business arrangements. The way she’d maintained that flawless performance even as illness tried to claim her. The steel beneath her sophistication that matched my own darkness perfectly
She wasn’t just another contract. Austher carefully negotiated arrangement,
She was some thing worth losing control for.