Chapter 61- Lost Control
Dante “You can’t go to Norway. The words c
came out rougher than intended rate with feeling, I refused to name. “I won’t allow it.”
“Allow it Fire flashed in her eyes that same fire that had first drawn me in despite my best intentions. “You still think you can control everything. don’t you? Even my heart!”
“This in’t about control…”
“Then what is it abour? She stepped closer, fury and suri radiating from every line of her body. “Tell me why, Dante. Give me one reason that isn’t about business or politics or your precious contracts!”
My jaw clenched as words Lcouldn’t say burned in my throat. Because how could I admit that the thought of her leaving felt like having my heart ripped out? That the mere idea of her in another country made something primitive and possessive che in my chest!
The allance–Iaried, falling back on sale territory.
“Nor” She slammed her hands against my chest, genuine rage cracking through her usual composure. “Don’t you dare hide behind business excuses! For once in your life, just tell me the truth
“What trah“” Taught her verists, holding her in place as she niggled. “That you’re being irrational? Throwing away everything we’ve built because
of some romantic fantasy?”
“Fantasy” Her laugh held edges sharp enough to draw blood. “Is that what you think this is? Some schoolgirl crush you can dismiss with careful logic
“I think you’re letting emotion cloud your judgment-
“Yes!” She yanked free of my grip. “Because that’s what love does, Dante! It makes you lose control, makes you feel things that can’t be contained in
careful hoses or contract terms
The word hit like a physical blown. Love. Such a small word to carry so much dangerous possibility.
“You don’t love me. The denial came automatically, instinctively, “You’re confined by
“Don’t you dare tell me what I feel? Real pain cracked through her voice now. “I know exactly what this is. I love you, you impossible, comrolling. terrifled man. Juve you enough to know I have to leave before it destroys me completely!”
Something in my chest twisted painfully as I watched tears fill her eyes. Every carefully maintained defense screamed in me to dismiss this, to reduce it to tactical consideration and measured response.
Ban watching her stand there, beautiful and fierce and breaking because of me something snapped.
“You want to know why?” My voice came out like gravel “Why I won’t let you run away to fucking Norway?”
“Yes!” She moved closer, challenge blazing through her tears. “Tell me why! Make me understand what’s worth staying for!”
The words stuck in my throat as old instincts warred with raw need. Because love vas a weakness. Love was a vulnerability enemies could exploit. Love was everything Ed been taught to avoid.
But watching her prepare to walk away,
“I can’t—” I started, then stopped as more tran spilled down her checks.
“Can’t what!” Her voice broke slightly. “Can’t admit you feel anything real? Can’t acknowledge that some things are worth losing control for!”
“Lucia.” Her name came out like a prayer or a curse
“No.” She stepped back, grief replacing anger in her beautiful Dee. “Lunderstand. Control is everything to you. Careful plans and measured responses and perfect political polish. I was a fool to think I could be more than mother carefully managed asset.”
“That’s not
“So be it.” The quiet defeat in hier voice felt like knives in my chest. “I’ll have my things moved out by the end of the week. The foundation can operate from temporary offices until I leave for Oslo.
She turned toward the door, shoulders straight despite the tears still falling. Every step felt like watching my carefully constructed world crumble.
“Don’t.” The word escaped before I could stop i..
“Don’t what?” She paused but didn’t turn back. “Don’t leave Don’t feelt Don’t love you enough to know when to walk away?”
y clieu.
That dangerous word again, making something primal rise in my
But I stayed silem, centuries of careful control warring with the need to grab her, to tell her everything my bean was screaming.
“Goodbye, Dante “Her voice carried quiet farlity as she reached for the door. I hope someday you find something worth losing control for,”
I watched her walk away, every step feeling like pliysical pain as instinct screamed at me to stop her, in tell her
But Looulder form the words. Couldn’t admit the truth that terrified me more than any business rival or political threat
Because somewhere between contract and chaos, between her fire and my control, between careful arrangement and raw reality.
ard I was about to lose everything because I couldn’t say it out loud.
Chapter 01–Lost Control
The door closed with soft finalay, leaving me alone with the wreckage of my perfectly ordered world. Outside, Theard hier heels clicking precise rhythm down the hallway each step taking her fumber from everything I’d never meant to feel.
My careful control finally shattered
The crystal decanter hit the wall with satisfying force, expensive scorch raining down like tears I refused to acknowledge. Another crash followed my laptop this time, scattering transition deciaments like bilen leaves.
But the destruction didn’t ease the ache in my chest or the truth I couldn’t deny anymore
loved her
And I was going to lose her because I couldn’t say those three