All Stars with a red dress 75

All Stars with a red dress 75

Chapter 75- Surprise

Lucia The two pink lines on the pregnancy

y test mocked me with their cheerful pink certainty. I blinked hard, hoping they might magically disappear like my dreams of having a body that wasn’t perpetually occupied by tiny Romanos

No, I whispered, clutching the marble counter like it might save me from this fertility nightmare. No, no, NO. Daute Romano, I swear to God, your superatural genes need in STOP 

Three tests lay before ine in a row, like a firing squad of reproductive reality. All positive. Because apparently the universe had decided that my womb was some kind of luxury resort that should never be vacant. Isabella had barely mastered walking. Alessandro still thought pants were optional, and here I was staring at proof that Romano DNA had struck again

This is ridiculous,’ I informed my reflection, which looked appropriately horrified. I cant be pregnant. just got my body back I finally fit into my prepregnancy clothest Do you know how many pilates classes it took to get rid of the last baby bump? DO YOU

My stomach, the traitor, offered no response except a slight wave of nosen that felt suspiciously like morning sickness

Oh, don’t you dare. I threatened my midsection. Dont you even think about it. I refuse to spend another nine months living on crackers and ginger ale while my controlfreak husband tries to bubblewrap the entire city to protect me

My phone buzzedDante, probably wondering why I’d locked myself in the bathroom for twenty minutes

CaraHis knock followed the text. The foundation board meeting starts in an hour 

Tll be right out. My voice shook slightly despite my efforts to control it

Lucia.That dangerous edge entered his tone the one that meant he knew something was wrong. “Open the door.

I just need a minute?” 

The lock dicked. Of course he had override codes for every door in the penthouse. Control freak 

Dante filled the doorway in his perfect Tom Ford suit, dark eyes scanning the serne before him. His gaze landed on the tests lined up like evidence of my failure to malistain proper family planning

Ah.Dame’s voice carried that infuriatingly calm tone he used when discovering I’d redecorated his perfectly ordered office with ceramic fish. Tser the Romano legacy continues its hostile takeover of your reproductive system.” 

Don’t you dare sound smug about this!I spun around, jabbing a finger at his perfectly pressed suit. This is YOUR fault. You and your superpowered Italian DNA that apparently didn’t get the menin about family planning 


Don’t carame, Dante Romanol Do you know what the mean? Nuse more months of you trying to bubblewrap the entire city) Nine months of you investigating the medical history of every person who comes within ten feet of me! Nine months of you terrorizing poor delivery boys because their food temperatures aren’t EXACTLY perfect!” 

His lips notched suspiciously. I merely ensure appropriate safety protocols- 

You made the last pizza guy cry! CHY, Dance! Because the cheese wasn’t precisely 105 degrees Fahrenheit!” 

He was clearly negligent in his thermal motionce duties.” 

Oh my God.I collapsed dramatically against the counter. I can’t do this again. I can’t handle another pregnancy with the Most Overprotective Man in Italy monitoring my every breath. Youll probably install medical equipment us every room of the house the tinse.” 

His silence was telling

Dante Romano!I straightened in horror. Tell me you haven’t already ordered a portable ultrasound machine,” 

His guilty expression said everything

That’s it.I threw my hands up. I’m moving back to Odn. They re much more resemble about pregnancy there. No one tries to create a sterile bubble around expectant mothers or background checks the mailmant 

I spun to face him, anger finally breaking through. I wanted to wait! I wanted time to actually enjoy our children instead of being perpetually pregnant. I wanted to focus on the youth center expansion and the new foundation programs. I wanted My voice cracked. I wanted control over my own body for once.” 


Don’t try to fix this,I eat him off into submission” 

Don’t try to make in okay with your perfect planning and careful control. This isn’t something you can manage 

His jaw tightened, but he kept his voice steady, I wasn’t going to. I was going to ask what you need from me.” 

That stopped my building tirade. What?” 

What do you need?He brushed away tears I hadn’t realized were falling. “Tell me how to help.” 

A sob caught in my throat as I pressed my face against his chest, probably ruining his perfectly pressed suit. I don’t know. I just. Im not ready for another baby. Not yet.” 

His ans came around me, solid and warm. Then we’ll figure it out Together.” 

Chapter 73- Surprise 

There’s nothing to figure out,1 laughed bitterly. Unless you’ve suddenly developed the ability to pause pregnancy” 

No.” he admitted. But I can take more 

your workload- 

we respansibility with the children. Hire additional help. Restructure the foundation’s leadership to reduce 

See!I pulled back to glare at him Already trying to control everything. To fix it with money and planning and perfect solutions.” 

Because that’s what I know how to do,he said quietly. But if you need something elsetell me. Show me how to help without controlling” 

The simple honesty in his voice broke something inside me. Fresh tears fell as I looked at this impossible man who’d learned to bend his perfect control for love

Hold me?I whispered. Just hold me while I process?” 

His arms tightened as he pressed a kiss in my hair. Always, cara. As long as you need.” 

We stood like that until my tear dried and my breathing steadied. Outside, the city woke to another perfectly ordered day. But in here, in this moment, we just held each other while reality settled around us like snow

The board meeting. I said finally, reluctantly

Canceled. At my sharp look, he added. Not controlling, just practical. You’re in no state for financial projections right now

Lean handle it- 

I know you can.His thumb traced my cheekbone. But you don’t have to. Not today

Fresh tears threatened at his genide tar. Damn pregnancy hormones already wreaking havoc with my emotions 

What are we going to do1 asked softly

Whatever you need.He pressed his forehead to mine. But first, I’m taking you home. The city can survive one day without its perfect power couple

Dance Romano, voluntarily missing meelings?I managed a weak smile. Now I know the world’s ending.” 

His laugh numbled through his chest. Only for you, cam. And our kids

All Stars with a red dress

All Stars with a red dress

Status: Ongoing


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