Chapter 76- The Sunday dinner
Lucia The Rosano estate’s grand dining room buzzed with controlled chaos as the entire family gathered for Sunday dinner. Sofa dominated one end of the massive table, her eight–month pregnant belly making it impossible to sit close enough to actually reach her food.
“James, darling” she called to her hovering husband, “if you ask me one more
re time if I’m comfortable, I swear I’ll make you sleep in the guest wing
for a month.”
“But the pregnancy book says
“The pregnancy book can go straight to —
“Sofial” Mama Romano cut in sharply. “Language at the tabler
“Sorry. Mama.” But Sofia’s unrepentant grin suggested she was anything but. “It’s just that if someone doesn’t stop treating me like I’in made of glass.” She shot a pointed look at her husband.
around my plate as another wave of usea
rwave of nausea hit. “Mine has probably already ordered a
“At least yours only lovers at home. Imattered, pushing pasta an portable hospital for the office.
Dante, who’d been deep in conversation with Marco about some business matter, looked up sharply. “Actually, cara, it’s more of a comprehensive
“See?” I threw my hands up in exasperation. “This is exactly what I meant I’m pregnant, not termin
“Dail you say pregnant?” Julia’s fork clamered to her plate. “Again?“
The entire table went silent as every Romano and Valentini head swiveled in our direction. Even the children seemed to sense the dramatic moment, pausing in their mal chans.
“Surprise?” 1 offered weakly
“ANOTHER BABY!” Mama Romano’s delighted shrick probably shattered several crystal glasses. She burst into rapid Italian, alternating between praising God and listing all the things she needed to knit
“Three babies under three,” Maria mused, bouncing her own infant daughter. That’s ambitious,”
“Insane is the word you’re Inoking for, I corrected. “The word is insane. Just like your brother’s genes apparently are.”
“Hey!” Dante protested. “The Romano fertility is a blessing —
“A blessing“” I rounded on him. “Is that what we’re calling your super–powered DNA’s determiption to populate the entire city?
“Well,” he smirked, “we do need to ensure proper succession planning—”
“I will stab you with this fork
“Now, cara,” his eyes danced with that dangerous amusement that still made my heart flip “violence at the dinner table? What kind of example is
that setting!
“The kind that suggests you should sleep with one
husband dearest”
“Children,” Papa intervened, though his lips twitched suspiciously. “Perhaps we should focus on celebrating this unexpected blessing?”
“Unexpected blessing? Antonio snorted into his wine. “More like Romano genetic dominance. I swear, brother, do you even understand the concept of birth control”
“Antonio!” Emma swatted her husband’s arm, but she was fighting laughter. “Be nice.”
*Im just saying, at this rate they’ll need to add a new wing to the mansion by Christmas.”
“Actually,” Dante’s casual tone set off immediate warning bells in my head. “I’ve already commissioned preliminary plans for a nursery expansion-” “No.” I pointed my fork at him threateningly. “Absolutely not. We are not timing the penthouse into a medical facility disguised as a nursery.”
“But the state–of–the–art monitoring systems—
“Will stay in whatever catalog you found them in
The pediatric response team-‘
“Will find other babies to hover over.”
“The climate–controlled environment=”
“I completely unnecessary unless you’re planning to raise tropical plants instead of children.”
Our bickering was interrupted by Sofia’s dramatic gasp. All heads turned as she clutched her stomach, face senmched in concentration “Darling) James nearly upended the table in his rushi to reach ber. “Is it time! Should I call the hospital? The helicopter is on standby “James.” Sofia’s voice carried deadly calm. “If you mention that helicopter one more time, I will personally ensure this is our only child.”
“But the doctor said-
“The doctor said I have at least two more weeks,” she cut in “This was just your son practicing his football kicks on my bladder. Again.”
“Are you sure? Because I can have the medical team bere in three minutes-
Chapter 76- The Sunday dinner
“The only thing you need to have here is a better grip on reality,” Sofia informed him. “Now help me up so can waddle to the bathroom like n nomal pregnant person instead of some delicate horhouse flower
As James fussed over helping his wife stand, Julia leaned close to whisper, “Still sure you want to do this again!”
I watched Sofa navigate her way out of the dining room, one hand supporting her back while the other swatted away her husband’s attempt to actually carry her.
“What choice do I have?” I sighed. “Apparently the Romano men have never heard of family planning
“We believe in being thorough, Dante commented from my other side.
Imed to glare at him. “You. This is your fault.”
“I seem to recall you being an shuusiastic participant in-
“If you finish that sentence,” I hissed, “you’ll be sleeping in your office until this baby graduates college.”
His laugh – that real, unguarded sound I’d fallen in love withdrew answering smiles from around the table. Even I couldn’t maintain my scowlin the face of such genuine joy.
“At least the morning sickness should ease up soon.” Maris offered sympathetically. “Mine was gone by week fourteen with Sophia”
“Week fourteen?” I groaned. That’s an etersity away
“I have some wonderful natural remedies Mama Rooting started, but are cut her off.
“Already ordered. Manu. Along with a comprehensive vitamin regimen and-
“And nothing.” I interrupted. “No more ordering things without consulting me first.
“Bui cara-
The prenatal marition specialist
“The modified security protocols-
“Absolutely nor ”
“The temporary in hose medical facility-
“I will divorce you
Our families watched this exchange like a tennis match, poorly concealed amusement on every face.
“Young love.” Papa observed dryly, “So beautiful,”
“So violent” Antonio added
“So Romano,” Julia finished with a laugh
Sofia’s retura interrupted further commentary on my murderous glares at my overprotective husband.
“Well,” she announced, settling back into her chair with James’s unnecessary bit earnest assistance, “while I was completing my hourly pilgrimage to the bathroom, I had a thought.”
“Dangerous,” Maria muured.
Sofla ignored her. “We should have a joint baby showeri Think a about a me due in a month, Lucia just starting to show, it’s perfect!”
“No,” Dante and James said simultaneously.
“Why not?” Sofia demanded,
“Security concerns,” James started.
“Logistics complications.” Dante added.
“Environmental controls-“james continued.
“Risk assessment protocols Dante chimed in
- God,” Sofia and Lexchanged horrified looks. They re multiplying.”
“The Romano protective instinct is genetic,” Julia observed sagely. “Like their fertility apparently is
“Thate everything about this conversation,” I informed the table at large.
Bui watching our families baugh together, seeing the love that had replaced old rivalries, feeling Dante’s land seule protectively over my stomach. Icouldn’t quite maintain my frustration
This wasn’t the carefully planned future I’d imagined. It was messy and complicated and completely beyoud control. But maybe that’s what made it
Even if I was probably going to have to hide all the sharp objects unt these pregnancy hormones settled down.
Tlove you,” Dante murmured against my hair. “Even when you’re threatening me with cutlery.”