“Wow…talk about a glow up!”
I just smiled, trying to be polite.
Tony, my wonderful husband, gave me the
once–over, then pulled me close, looking
“You just came from the hospital? I told you I
would call off the meeting. You should be
home resting.”
I nodded. “I will soon.”
Then, ignoring Sarah’s attempts to catch his
eye, he turned his attention to Tom, a flicker
of amusement in his gaze.
“You’re the ex–boyfriend, right? Thanks for
not marrying her.”
“If you hadn’t been such a putz, I never would
have met my wife!”
Tom didn’t respond.
He just stared at me, his face a mask of
disbelief and something like…despair. Then
he spoke in a loud accusatory voice: “This is
some way for you to get revenge! How much
money did you pay to hire those two
I took Tony’s hand, gave it a squeeze, and
said, “This is my husband, Tony Stark.”
His expression went from shock, to horror, to
a blank, dead stare.
Maybe, in another life, I would have felt bad
for him.
But he was right about one thing: the past is
the past. What was the point of dwelling on
I had a new man, a kid, a job I loved, and the
happy marriage I never had the first time
I think I am doing okay, to say the least.
Sarah was the one who organized this
reunion, but now that everyone knew who I
The mood shifted.
People who were fawning over Sarah were
now falling all over themselves to be nice to
- me.
“Wow. I can’t believe Ashley married Tony
Stark! And Tom just offered her a check, like
she was some charity case! So cringey!”
“Right? Acting like his ex–girlfriend was doing
so bad, and then she shows up with a
billionaire. Priceless!”
“And Sarah? You want to give Ashley a job as
a manicurist!?” I heard you are the best
doctor in the city and the hospital’s head
“Ashley, why didn’t you tell us you were
married? We would have thrown you a party!”
It was ridiculous.
I gave a few polite smiles, trying to keep
things civil.
But I was done.
Tony and I grabbed Charlie and headed for
the door.
As we walked out of the hotel…
Tom came tearing after me.
Chapter Four
I told Tony to take Charlie to the car. It was
November, and chilly.