Amara’s POV
She wouldn’t have turned like this if she only knew her place and kept her
ambitions to herself. But well, karma is a b! tch, she’s here to suffer the consequences
of her actions.
Her eyes darkened, and before I could react, her sharp nails raked across my face, the stinging pain immediately hit me
before the blood welled up where her nails. tore my skin.
“You ruined my life!” she screamed. “You made him hate me! You took everything from me!”
But before I could even respond and defend myself to her accusations, she struck me again, her hand colliding with my cheek and the force was enough to blur my vision for a moment. I sucked in a
breath as I felt another trickle of blood
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from my torn lip.
“And yet, here you are,” I managed to say, defiantly though weakly from the searing wounds. “Still obsessed with me. Maybe the problem isn‘ t me, Casey. Maybe it’s you. And whatever happened to you and Luca, I‘ m out of it al-”
My jaw dropped and my eyes widened at the wooden plank that came out of nowhere. No. She’d gone mad.
She swung the wood and I gasped as the first blow hit my side, knocking the air out of my lungs. “C–Casey, stop!” I
whispered, but the madness in her eyes and the glint of hatred made her deaf to my pleas. She swung again and this time. across my thighs, and I trembled in pain.
“Enough! I did nothing to you! Argh!” another collided with my leg and I fell on the floor together with the chair, helpless.
“Shut up!” she shrieked, her voice. cracking. “You‘ re the reason I’m like
this! You ruined my life!”
I wanted to fight back, to claw my way out of this, but the restraints bit into my wrists, and my body felt like it was mogged and on
Then another blow hit me on the shoulder and I felt my bone cracked as I screamed and whimpered in pain. I held back the sob but I was not able to fight back the tears
“You think you‘ re so untouchable, don‘ t you?” she continued, her voice dropping into a venomous whisper as she leaned in close. And she chuckled, maniacal laughter that even sent shivers down my spine.
“The great Donna of the Vitalus Circle. You think Matteo is going to swoop in and save you?” she taunted and chuckled again, mocking, as she continued, “Or perhaps, you are expecting Luca?” she snarled and kneeled down, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head
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back to stare back at her.
“Think again, Amara. No one’s coming for you, you are going to die here, in my hands. But before that, I want you to feel every single pain
t you have caused
Then she stood up and straightened, gripping the plank tightly as she circled me again like I was prey to be killed. “Do you know what it’s like to have everything taken away from you?”
I glared at her through the haze of pain, my breaths shallow and ragged. “Yeah,” I croaked, my voice barely coming through. “I do. You took him from me, Luca, and my assets that I worked hard for, and my dignity in the family. You two took everything away from me,” I remarked, reminding her of the things they had done
to me.
Yet I smirked, “But you don’t see me kidnapping people and throwing tantrums. about it.”
She screamed, loud, and filled with all the rage and hatred she had been holding back. The plank slammed into my side again, and the impact jarred every bone in my body, making me groan in agony.
Blood dripped from my lips as I coughed blood onto the cold, filthy floor. My ribs felt like they were on the verge of shattering, and every breath sent a fresh wave of pain through my chest.
Casey crouched beside me, breathing. heavily, and her face was twisted in at grotesque mask of fury. “This is just the beginning,” she whispered, her voice chillingly calm. “You are going to wish you’d never crossed me.”
I stared at her through the haze of pain, refusing to let her see me break. “If you’re going to kill me,” I rasped, “then do it already. Otherwise, you better pray I don’t get free.”
Her laughter was manic, and it echoed in the small room like a death bell.
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“Oh, don’t worry, Amara. I’m going to enjoy breaking you first before I kill you.”