Chapter 2 Section 2
Ashley stopped, then laughed.
She lifted her foot and shoved it down on
Michael’s chest.
Ne ivet
nobody beaterd !!|
“Please. He’s just some nobody bastard.”
“I’m the heiress to the Miller fortune! The
Caldwells are tripping over themselves to kiss
my butt. I’ll just say you killed him and Chad’s
gonna believe me. Besides, you’re both gonna
die here anyway!”
I was terrified.
I tried to stand, but my legs were broken.
I couldn’t move.
I clenched my teeth and blurted out the truth.
“You’re lying! I’m the real Ashley Miller! He’s
with me. If you touch him again, I swear you’ll
regret it!”
Ashley went nuts, pointing and sneering.
“Ashley, you’re delusional! The Miller family
has already announced me as their daughter.
Where do you get off pretending to be me?”
I frowned.
I’d never heard anything about this.
Before, I’d wondered how Ashley dared go
around using my name.
My parents are in love and never cheated on
each other.
They only had me.
They promised.
Where did Ashley get the nerve?
I didn’t have time to think.
Ashley was coming for me, her eyes like
There was a pile of scrap metal behind me.
I couldn’t escape.
Just as I was about to fight back, Michael
lunged forward and grabbed Ashley, stopping
“Ashley, I’ll hold her! Run!”
Ashley looked annoyed.
She was losing patience.
Just as she was about to finish us off, a line
of SUVS rumbled in.
The ground shook.
The Millers were here!
Ashley’s eyes flickered with panic.
She turned to run.
But Ashley was quickly grabbed by my dad’s
assistant and knocked out.
Michael had passed out from blood loss.
I told my dad’s assistant to send us to the
hospital immediately.
At the hospital, I told the assistant to focus
on Michael and my legs.
I waited in the VIP room and waited, and
After hearing that Michael was alright, I
calmed down.
I grabbed the assistant’s phone and called my
He was furious when he heard I’d almost died.
“Who was it?! Who dared touch my daughter?
I’m gonna deal with this and then I’m coming
over there to skin them alive!”
Hearing my dad’s familiar, powerful voice and
feeling his support, I couldn’t help but tear up.
How could I have been so stupid to have
humbled myself for a guy?
Chad was a scum.
I’d make him pay!
“Dad, don’t worry. I’ll take care of it!” I
reassured him.
“And I want to switch the engagement to
Michael! Also, I want to pull all the support
and money we’ve given to Chad!”
I used to be so pathetic around Chad.
I’m over him.
My dad agreed right away.
“Okay, honey. My assistant will report back.
The Millers will keep you safe. You just rest
Then, he hung up.
I realized I hadn’t asked about Ashley.
I’d have to wait.
I stayed in the VIP room for a week.
My dad said no one could bother me except
the nurses.
So I couldn’t contact Michael.
When I could finally stand, I checked myself
I heard Michael went back to school.
So I took a cab.
But as soon as I got to the front of the building, a group of people stormed toward
- me.
I saw Chad’s furious face.
He slapped me hard across the face.
“Ashley, what the hell is wrong with you?! You can’t just go around hurting Ashley! She’s the
heiress of the Millers. Do you have a death
My face was burning.
I smirked.
“You say she’s the heiress. Where’s your
Chad grit his teeth.
“You wouldn’t understand! Ashley’s family is
out of your league! She’s always been low-
key. I only know because we grew up
Then I saw Ashley, who was supposed to be
locked up, walk around the corner with people
in Miller security uniforms.
They were being followed by a crowd of
angry students.
Chad looked smug.
He mouthed “You’re done for.”
I was confused.
I didn’t know why Ashley was out.
But then the bodyguard came right to me.
I thought he was going to protect me.
But he punched me in the face.
“Who do you think you are? Messing with our
heiress? I’m gonna teach you a lesson!”
I almost passed out.
He looked so opary liko be really wanted to
He looked so angry, like he really wanted to
defend Ashley.
“Look again!” I yelled. “Who’s the real heiress