- 11.
Mom and Dad didn’t come back the next day.
No calls, no texts.
I left alone.
It was normal.
The program was busy. I met other students.
We turned in our phones.
After a week, I got my phone back.
I had a lot of messages.
It was all from my parents: “Autumn, where
are you? Why did you leave by yourself?”
“Ashley’s getting worse. Are you safe?”
“Please reply.”
“Autumn, are you mad? Please reply.”
“Autumn, why are you turning off your
I called them.
Mom said, “Where did you go!”
“What does that letter mean?”
I said, “I’m at a program. I told you. The
phones are off.”
Mom said, “Why didn’t you wait?”
I said, “I didn’t have time.”
She said, “Is the program over?”
“I’ll get you a ticket. Come back. Ashley’s
feeling better. We promised to take you
shopping. We wanted to pick you up…”
I said, “I don’t have time. I’ll buy clothes
She said, “But Autumn, Dad’s birthday is in
three days.”
I had gotten them gifts every year.
But they liked Ashley’s words more.
I said, “I’m going to start school.”
I hung up.
They came.
Just my mom and dad.
They said, “We know that we paid more
attention to Ashley. You’re upset.”
“But we love you.”
They handed me the letter.
I didn’t take it.
I had someone draft a legal document to end
our relationship.
Mom started to cry. “We’re your parents. We
love you.”
I didn’t feel anything.
Dad started crying. “You’re not the same.”
I wanted them to love me.
I didn’t want it anymore.
Dad’s phone rang. It was Ashley.
She was crying and said that she was in pain.
Dad said, “Can’t you call 911?”
He hung up and tried to grab me.
I shook my head.